happy new year

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A/N: words: 395. HAPPY NEW YEAR. hopefully 2022 will bring a better posting schedule. anyway, enjoy!

 He left right before New Years. Bucky said that Sam was childish, irresponsible, if he didn't take up the mantle. Sam told him he wanted him gone before New Years. He was gone an hour later. So, Sam went home. Sam went back to the people he knew. To celebrate New Years in the house he grew up in. To see his nephews in what felt like a century. To be somewhere and know that it was home. To be home. To celebrate New Years without the weight of the shield on his shoulders. To be-

"We got a mission for you on the thirty first, would that be alright?"

"No, yeah, its fine. I'll be there."

Well, so much for home. Sam just hopes that his next New Years is better than this one.


"You're ridiculous."

"And you're not festive." Bucky retorted, his Happy New Years headband glistening gold. Sam grinned up at him. Shortly after the Flagsmashers, Sam and Bucky bought an apartment together just outside of Delacroix. And it was New Years.

"Sit down, you're gonna miss it."

"A ball dropping. Gee, that sure is quality content."

"Oh, now who's not festive?" Sam teased, a raised eyebrow as Bucky sat down beside him.

"Shut up." Bucky said with eyeroll. Sam chuckled, his eyes following Bucky as he sits down.

10, 9, 8.

Sam's been dancing around his lingering feelings for Bucky. He never really stopped loving him. But he never found the right time. Whenever he thought he would, he could never get it right. Bucky just seemed too far away. But, now, he's sitting right beside Sam. He's here. And he sure as hell isn't leaving.

7, 6, 5.

"Ready, Cap?"

"For what?"

4, 3 , 2.

"Can I kiss you?"


"Hell yeah." And Bucky kissed him. And it was like everything that it was before. And it was better. He felt whatever Bucky did to him running through his veins. He felt everything. He felt the gentleness Bucky carried with him. He felt everything he was so worried about lift off his shoulders, just by the sugary sweetness of Bucky's lips pressed to his.

"Happy New Years." Bucky said against his lips. Sam grinned.

"Happy New Years, dork." And he kissed him again, because he finally could.

Safe to say, this was a much better New Years than last year.

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