well it's about time

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A/N: words: 1049. HEY, im alive. i've been writing this massive fic for about a month and i just finished it (its called lost and found, check it out) so i haven't had time to write oneshots,  but im back, only for a bit, because im writing yet another long fic so yeah. also, thanks to AlphaWolf0215 for this idea. ANYWAY enjoy!

 Sam sat on the couch in their apartment a little ways away from Sarah's house, scrolling through his phone, when he heard a noise from his and Bucky's room. "Buck?" Sam called out, and after not getting a response, he makes his to the room. "Buck?" he repeated as he pushed open the door. He found Bucky sitting at the edge of the bed with a shocked expression, his phone on the ground, and Alpine up on the dresser, frightened by the sudden noise. "She's- she's alive." he heard Bucky mumble, and raised an eyebrow.

"Talk to me, Buck."

"That was a nursing home in New York. My sister, Becca, she's- she's alive." Bucky explained, a small smile replacing his shocked expression. Sam couldn't help but smile as well. "You gonna go see her?" Sam questioned, taking a seat beside Bucky. "Yeah." Bucky breathed out, and Sam could tell her was going through several thousand emotions at once. "I'll book you a plane ticket."

"Get two. One for me, one for you. If you want to come." Bucky added, a shy smile on his face. "Of course I'll come with you, Buck." Sam said, pressing a kiss to Bucky's temple.


About 24 hours later, they were in New York, walking into a nursing home 20 minutes away from the airport. "Hi I called yesterday, I'm James Barnes visiting my sister, Rebeca Barnes." Bucky said urgently to the woman at the front desk, and Sam was practically thrown at the wall with how fast Bucky walked (if you could call it that) to the front desk, Sam's hand still in his. "Um, yes, Mr. Barnes, hello. Follow me." the woman said with a polite smile, and Bucky did everything in his power not to run ahead of her.

"Buck, slow down." Sam muttered, a smile on his face. "She's not walking fast enough." Bucky countered. "You don't know where you're going." Sam reminded him. Bucky huffed, walking at a normal pace.

"Right through her Mr. Barnes, and, uh-"

"He's my husband." Bucky finished for her, and Sam's heart sped up to about 200 beats a minute because no, no he is not. No, no, no, no, no. Safe to say, Sam and him are gonna have a lot to talk about, but for now, he kept his mouth shut.

"Ms. Barnes, you have visitors." the woman said kindly, and Becca looked up from the puzzle she was doing, and recognized Bucky in an instant. So did Bucky. "Becca." Bucky breathed out, a wide grin on his face, and a few tears welling in his eyes. All Sam could do was watch, and give Bucky's hand a squeeze. "Bucky?" she said, but she knew it was him. No matter how much she aged, or how much he changed, the bright smile that would help her through rough times, matched with the piercing blue eyes that she could always found in a crowd, it was Bucky.

"Hi, Beccs."

"Well it's about time." she said with a grin, and made her way over to him. Bucky let go of Sam's hand to hug his sister. When they broke apart, Bucky gestured to Sam, a shy smile replacing his huge grin. "Um, this is Sam, Sam, this is Becca." Sam waved at her, a smile on his face. "Hi, I've heard a lot about you."

Becca smiled, and her eyes fell to their intertwined fingers. "Yeah, Sam, believe me, you could do better." she said, a sly smirk on her face. Sam laughed, and heard Bucky scoff from beside him. "Probably, but I work with what I got." Sam joked, and Bucky whacked him in the arm with his free arm, laughing. Becca laughed at the exchange, and gestured for them to sit.


They ended up talking for about 45 minutes, when Becca asked the question that Sam and Bucky could never answer well. "So, how did you two meet, anyway?"

The two men exchange a look of oh god. "Work." Sam said simply, confidently even, and she wasn't buying it. "Hm, yeah, Bucky, wanna way in?" Becca questioned, to which Bucky's eye went wide. "Uh, yeah, work." he said, sounding unsure. God, he needs to get better at lying. Sam shook his head. "Oh my god." Sam muttered, to which Becca laughed. "Alright, I'll... accept that answer."


They left about 20 minutes after that, and as they were walking out of the building, Sam remembered what Bucky said. "Hey, did you realize you called me your husband in there?"

Bucky stopped walking, eye's searching Sam's face for some sign of a joke. "I did what?" Bucky asked. "Well, when we were outside Becca's room, she didn't know who I was, and you introduced me as your husband." Sam explained, getting redder by the second. This conversation should not be happening on the streets of New York, but here they are.

Bucky's heart was going way too fast, because oh god. Oh god. He guessed that maybe he had thoughts about a future with Sam, but it all felt like just a dream, something he couldn't get, something he wasn't supposed to. Maybe he was wrong.

"Did it bother you?" Bucky questioned, because that's what mattered to Bucky now. If Sam had the same dream. "I- well- no, of course not, I was just caught off guard." Sam said, because if he was being honest, it made Sam think that Bucky had the same idea he had.

"Wait, so, are we- should we-" Bucky was almost laughing at this scenario they'd found themselves in. "Should we get married?" Sam finished, his tone hesitant.

"I- yeah."

"Well you sure as hell aren't proposing to me here, Barnes, I'll tell you that much." Bucky laughed, and they started walking again, this time a bit closer together. "No, don't worry, I know a spot."


Bucky did end up knowing a spot, on the boat at sunrise, with Marvin Gaye playing softly in the background. They did most of their planning with Sarah and Becca. Everything was perfect, it would be a small ceremony by the lake. Unfortunately, there was an empty seat where Becca would be, front row. She was probably looking down, as Bucky stuttered over his vows, shaking her head, a fond smile on her face. She was probably thinking, like everyone else well it's about time

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