When the storm settles

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A/N: words: 751. Ok, I saw a fic similar to this one, and it's raining where I live, so I HAD to make this and it's so damn adorable oh my god.  Also, two one shots in a span of a few hours, that's gotta be a record. I'M RAMBLING ANYWAY ENJOY!

The lightning crackled as the rain poured down, and Bucky pulled the covers over his head. Sam laughed at his husbands antics, and Bucky couldn't help but crack a smile. "If this thunderstorm continues, I swear to god" Bucky said from under the covers, and Sam rolled his eyes fondly. "You sound like our 5 year old daughter" Sam huffed, and Bucky rolled his eyes this time. "She has a point" as if on cue, another clap of thunder erupts in the sky, and said 5 year old daughter comes flying into the room, on the verge of tears. Sam poked Bucky, signalling to emerge from his fort, and picked up the little girl.

"Hey, Ri, what's up?" Sam asked soothingly, and Riley only whimpered, making her parents more concerned. Sam and Bucky shared a look and both turned their attention to the storm raging on outside the house. "Is it the thunderstorm?" Bucky asked softly, as Sam bounced Riley on his knee gently. She nodded sheepishly. Sam offered her a small smile, and Bucky smiled as well. "We don't like them either," Bucky told her, but Sam interrupts him, "well, pops here is annoyed by them more than anything, which only makes him annoying" Bucky shot a glare at his husband, and Riley giggled, being used to the constant banter that goes through the house. Sam and Bucky smile wider, their hearts fuller. Both of them could listen to that sound for days.

"You should get some sleep, miss" Bucky advised, and Riley only pointed outside, gesturing to the window. Sam and Bucky shared another look, and then turned back to their daughter. "Well, you can stay with us for the night, sound good?" Sam questioned, and the girl's face lit up. She nodded vigorously, climbing down from Sam's knee and between the two. Bucky grinned at her, then at Sam. Sam flicked off the lamp, and on cue, a loud clap of thunder was heard from outside, and Riley flinched, wrapping her arms around Bucky's side.

Bucky looked up at Sam with a slight pout on his face, while he secures an arm around his daughter. Sam rolled his eyes fondly and climbed back under the covers, resting his head on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky planted a kiss on Sam's forehead and smiled down at him and Riley.

After a few minutes, even breaths came from the little girl, and her eyes were closed, signifying that she was asleep. "I can't believe we got this lucky" Sam whispered in the silence, and Bucky smiled softly, nodding. "I know," Bucky replied, almost sounding breathless. He brushed a piece of golden hair from Riley's forehead, keeping it away from her face. "What did that do?" Sam muttered, and Bucky scoffed. "I love you, but shut up" that caused Sam to chuckle, and a grin spread across Bucky's face once again.

"You ever realize that she's perfect?" Sam whispered, and this time Bucky chuckled. "She is, I have a perfect family" Sam could hear the mockery in his tone, but he got butterflies in his stomach from the statement, so he wasn't complaining. "That we do" Sam added, causing Bucky to roll his eyes. Sam smiled up at his husband, he looked completely at peace, a small smile on his face, that held a lot more emotion than it showed. 

It held the fact that this in any of Bucky's past lives would have been impossible. It held the fact that they were perfect. Captain America, the White Wolf, Falcon Junior (which made both Torres and Sam cry when hearing it for the first time) and Alpine, who had jumped up on the bed during the storm, curling up around Bucky's head. The perfect family. It made Sam smile, too, because this wasn't meant for him. None of it. He probably wasn't supposed to fall in love with the assassin meant to kill him, but he's a part of his family now. He is his family now. And he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Sam fell asleep a few minutes later, his head resting against Bucky's shoulder, an arm spread across Riley and Bucky's stomach. Bucky smiled at the sight in front of him, taking it all in. He couldn't have asked for something better. When the storm settles, sunshine blooms. And the storm is over. In Bucky. In Sam. Outside. And the sunshine is the little golden haired girl with her hands gripped onto the hem of Bucky's shirt. His sunshine. 

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