Kiss the cook

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A/N: words: 1121. Ahhh I couldn't stop smiling while I was writing this, they can be so domestic sometimes I can't- oh my god. Anyway, enjoy this, I really like it! 

 Sam stumbled onto the jet, clutching his side, where blood was promptly oozing out. He lied down on the bench while Torres rushed over holding a first aid kit. "Sam, what the hell happened?" Torres questioned, examining the wound. "Knives happened, Joaquin." Sam answered shakily. "This isn't too deep, I can probably stitch it up." Torres told him, and Sam sighed in relief. "Thanks, man." Sam said, and shut his eyes, imagining the hell Bucky'll give him when he gets home.

Bucky sat on the edge of his bed, phone in hand. Sam normally texted him after each mission was over, and right now it was 1:45 am and Bucky hadn't heard from him. He was panicked, to say the least. He chewed on his bottom lip as he watched the black of his phone screen. Maybe his phone was dead, or broken. That was rational thinking, but Bucky was well past that. All he could think was that Sam might not be ok, and that was enough to make him shake.

After a while, he decided it was useless to just sit there. He made his way to the kitchen and pulled out ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. Bucky was a stress baker, that was for damn sure. He pulled out the dumbass apron Sam bought for Christmas that says kiss the cook. Unfortunately, it's the only he owns, so he is forced to wear it. Sam was all too pleased by this information. It was ridiculous. He started measuring flour, glancing anxiously at his phone every few minutes. Still nothing. Bucky shook his head and continued baking, letting all his worries wash away for a moment.

Sam closed his eyes tight as Torres stitched him up, biting his lip as the needle threaded through his skin. He let out a sigh as he heard Torres step away, and opened his eyes. "Thanks again." Sam said, offering a small smile. Torres smiled as well, going to put away the first aid kit. "That's what I'm here for." Torres stated, moving into the cockpit. Sam went to lay down as he remembered. Text Bucky. Sam grabbed his phone from the bag beside him and goes to turn it on. "Dead." Sam muttered, shaking his head. He sighs in annoyance and shuts his eyes, trying to get some semblance of sleep.

Bucky was now covered in flour, stirring in the chocolate chips, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Alpine decided now would be fun to jump up on the counter, and Bucky rolled his eyes. "No, Alpine, go play with Figaro, for god's sake." Bucky shooed her off the counter, and starting rolling up the dough into balls and placed them onto a baking sheet. Bucky set the timer for 10 minutes and began cleaning up, having more of a mess since his damn cat decided that she would play in the flour. "How the hell did I end up here?" Bucky muttered to himself, wiping off the counter.

Sam unlocked the front door and walked through, being greeted by the smell of fresh baked cookies. Sam grinned widely as he walked through the door. He caught sight of Bucky Barnes, eating a chocolate chip cookie, wearing the god awful apron, with flour in his hair. "Sam!" Bucky cried through a mouthful of cookie and pulled Sam into an embrace. Sam let out a slight noise of discomfort, and Bucky stepped away. "What happened?" Bucky asked, his voice more urgent, his hands still resting on Sam's hips, and eyes fixed on the stitches on Sam's side. "Sorry I didn't call." Sam said, but Bucky shook his head. "We are well past that, what happened?" Bucky insisted, eyes still on the wound. Sam shook his head, eyes fixed on Bucky. "Just some guys with knives, nothing major." Bucky looked at him like he was insane, eyes flickering from the stitches to Sam's face.

"Are you alright?" was Bucky's next question, and Sam smiled up at Bucky. "Buck, baby, I'm fine." Sam said, and Bucky met his eyes. "You sure?" Bucky muttered, and Sam shook his head softly. "Yes, you idiot." Sam replied snarkily. Bucky grinned at Sam, and it made Sam's heart flutter. "So, you like the apron?" Sam asked smugly. Bucky rolled his eyes, a grin still on his lips. "I do not, but it's the only thing we have, thanks to you." Bucky answered, that caused Sam to grin his toothy grin, and snickered. "I knew you'd wear it." Sam said smugly, and Bucky shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"To be fair, it does have pretty clear instructions." Bucky stated, his grin now being replaced with a smirk. Sam nodded. "So it does." Sam stood on his tiptoes to kiss him, but Bucky stood on his tiptoes to mess with him. "Do you want me to kiss you, or not?" Sam asked snarkily. Bucky laughed softly and went back down to his original height. "Yes, I do." and so Sam kissed him. It was short and sweet, with the taste of cookies and coffee. They pulled away slowly, their noses brushing. They both smiled widely. "Thanks for not dying." Bucky muttered. "Of course." Sam said, intertwining his fingers with Bucky's. "Want a cookie?" Bucky offered, and Sam chuckled. "You sure you didn't eat them all?" Bucky gives Sam a pointed look, and Sam began laughing harder. "I did not." Bucky countered, and Sam shook his head. "It sure seemed like it." Sam retorted, and Bucky rolled his eyes. This was ridiculous.

Bucky didn't reply, and Sam wasn't gonna let him get away with that. "See, your silence tells me you at least ate most of them." Bucky sighed deeply, still smiling. "I'm too old for this nonsense." Sam barked out a laugh, and Bucky grinned at him. He couldn't believe he got this lucky. Bucky dragged Sam to the oven, and gestured to the remaining cookies. "See. I ate like 3." Bucky said pointedly, and Sam chuckled. "Ok, ok, you win." Sam said as he bit into a cookie.

Bucky leaned his head on Sam's shoulder, sighing in contentment. Sam smiled down at him, the flour still somehow in his hair. He planted a kiss on the top of his head. "Alpine started playing in the flour. It was a mad house." Bucky told him, and Sam chuckled softly. "You sound surprised she would do that." Sam said, and Bucky hummed. "You have a point." Bucky agreed.

The two decided that they were far too awake to try to sleep, so they took to the couch, turning on whatever was vaguely interesting. Sam played with Bucky's curls, and Bucky listened to the steady beat of Sam's heart. It was calming, comforting. 

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