20- The Reunion

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Kaneor leaped up from his sitting position to catch his fragile mate and hold him close. He rubbed himself all over Ro thoroughly scenting and inspecting him for injuries.

Cabbexev chuckled again. "Leave us." He said to Pooli in his dark voice. "I'll deal with you later."

Pooli scrambled out of the room glad that he was at least safe for now.

Meanwhile, Ro was having a giggling fit as Kaneor twisted and pulled trying to remove Ro's clothing as soon as possible. Finally Kaneor gave up and shredded the stretchy fabric with his teeth. When Ro was finally free of the annoying garments, Kaneor shredded his own coverings and seated himself deep within Ro's asshole.

Ro gasped at the sensation, clinging on to Kaneor. It had been a while since he was last with Kaneor or Cabbexev and his hole had healed and tightened, it stung and stretched as Kaneors dick plunged into him.

Kaneor had been frantic, but as soon as he was inside Ro, he was able to reassure himself that he hadn't lost Ro. As soon as that realization hit him he collapsed in relief on top of Ro's body.

Cabbexev moved to lay down on his side on the floor. That way he could pull both Ro and Kaneor into his arms without separating them and further stressing the finally relieved gan.

"We missed you terribly, little Ro." Cabbexev whispered as he pressed little kisses to Ro's fluffy head.

Ro nuzzled his face further into Kaneor's warm hold, and shuffled backwards into Cabbexev's strong arms before he started sniffling.

"I-I thought m-maybe I'd never s-see you guys again." He choked out. "I missed you so much, I was so scared. I finally worked out a way to escape... B-but what if I never found you!?" He cried.

"You'll never leave us again." Kaneor stated confidently as he leaned back and looked straight into Ro's eyes.

"And even if we do get separated, we'll always find you. Just like now." Cabbexev said softly.

Ro sobbed. His biggest fear was to never see his loved ones again. In the pet enclosure that he had been raised in he had continuously watched as his beloved family was stolen from him again and again, until he had gone a little numb to it. It was an awful place, always waiting in anticipation for who would be sold next. The hardest thing that had ever happened to him was Cabbexev taking him away. He thought he would die from the pain of leaving everyone.

But then he was saved by Kaneor and, surprisingly enough, by his captor as well. Cabbexev and Kaneor gave him so much love that it filled and healed the hole in his heart.

Then he was ripped away again, only this time it hurt so much worse. It felt like fire and fog had filled his brain and chest every time he thought about the men he missed so much. The fire fueled him though and from that fire, Ro had hatched his escape plan.

It was half baked, unnecessary, and it probably would have him wandering around the solar system aimlessly, but he was willing to do anything to get back to his loves.

Tears were still streaming down Ro's face, but his hiccupping sobs had ceased.

"Thank you." Ro called softly.

"For what?" Cabbexev asked.

"For finding me."

Both Cabbexev and Kaneor groaned. Ro really was too cute.

It should be illegal to be that cute. Kaneor thought.

Cabbexev growled out his next sentence as his possessiveness grew. "I told you. We'll always find you Ro. You're ours."

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