2- Sold

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The alien pets of the enclosure stood in a row in front of the door listening to the slow relaxed footsteps of the dikplo manager and the unknown buyer walk down the hall towards them. Binnyar had made it to the line just in time for the door to swing open.

Babulya heard the others sigh discreetly in relief. They were all worried about Ro being taken away and Binnyar reaching the line up in time meant that the small boy they all cherished was safely tucked away in his hiding spot.

Babulya watched as the dikplo and another alien walked in.

The dikplo had bright green skin and short, curly silver hair. It stood with its back hunched like all dikplos do and in one hand it held a thin device that it was reading from. It was slightly taller than the average alien at 8 ft in height from it's hunched shoulders to the floor. It gave a cursory glance over the line of pets, checking that they were in line so as to not embarrass him in front of the important looking alien to his left

Babulya looked over the alien with an assessing stare as it carefully looked around the enclosure and at the pets in front of him.

Babulya shifted uncomfortably. The only thing they were allowed to wear were the control collars that could inject them with sedatives and she had never gotten used to the idea of being naked in front of others. Babulya had been taken at 16 when the human standard of modesty had already been ingrained into her thought process. Babulya was glad the others didn't feel the shame she did about their nudity.

The alien that came with the dikplo stood a couple inches shorter than the dikplo, but his regal stature and impressive muscles made up for the lack of height. The man had grey skin with thick dark green iridescent stripes that ran from under his ears, down over his shoulders, down his arms and ended at the back of his hands. He had antlers of the same shimmery green coming out from behind his ears. They looked similar to a stag's antlers but they were smooth and glassy instead of fuzzy.

The man cast his cold, deep green eyes over the line of pets.

"These pets are top of the line. All very rare species, agreeable and should be able to suit the special situation that you explained earlier to us." The dikplo said diplomatically.

The man got closer and held Binnyar's chin up; they all held their breath while he inspected Binny. The man was clearly unimpressed and Binny was trying desperately to hold back the snarl that he wanted to let out at the man. He knew it would end badly for him.

Suddenly the man looked quickly up towards the back of the room in distraction.

Before any of them had a chance to relax in relief that Binny wouldn't be chosen they realized where he was looking.

He was looking straight at Ro's hiding spot.

The man spun to face the dikplo.

"Are you trying to trick me? Why is there one hiding from us?" The anger in his voice vibrated through the room.

"U-u-uh no my Gara. We will bring him out for you." The dikplo stuttered out.

Babulya's face hardened and they all prepared to fight to save the baby of their group.

"Administer zeverall to all pets in enclosure 0492. I need a couple of field operators in here now to bring out a hiding pet for a buyer." The dikplo spoke quickly into a sleek earpiece.

Seconds after he had finished speaking the pets once standing in a line slumped to the floor.

They were awake, just heavily sedated. They couldn't move and could barely think.

Two smaller dikplos rushed into the room to fetch Ro..

"I'm sorry for the disturbance Gara Cabbexev. We thought it would be a waste of your valuable time to stop and pull one pet out of hiding. The dikplo bowed deeply. "Please forgive us."

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