3- The Ship

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Ro was playing with his lego starship. He was swinging it every which direction and making a "pbrbrbbrrr" engine noise that varied in pitch as the ship changed direction.

A part of the ship fell off when he bumped it into the wall and he had to stop his play to snap the broken piece back onto the ship.

Just as he fixed the ship he heard noises from downstairs.

His eyes lit up. "Mommy's home!!"

He ran down the stairs expecting to see his run down single mother walking in with all her bags ready to give Ro a big hug.

When he raced into their small kitchen he instead saw the hulking form of a species he'd never seen before, not even on TV.

He had green skin and curly silver hair, he was hunched over and looked too big to fit in the tiny room.

"Who are you?" Ro squeaked.

The dikplo touched an earpiece and then spoke.

"Tkpoil go tyiner valy human."

Ro was very frightened now.

"Where's momma?"

The alien looked at him dispassionately and roughly grabbed the boy, holding him over his shoulder.

"NOO" Ro screamed, before he felt the stinging pain a needle in his bum and darkness took him.

Ro woke alone, naked and very afraid in the alien enclosure.

He had a faint pink scar line down his tummy and his skin felt too smooth.

"Mommy?" He called out through the trees.

He started crying sobbing desperately as feelings of loss, abandonment and confusion flooded through him.

Just then a man with pink fuzzy ears and long spotted tail appeared and cautiously approached the crying boy. His ear flicked once before he decided to scoop Ro up into his arms and comfort the youngling.

"Shhh... You are ok. I am Daz, I will protect you." He whispered softly.

Ro remembered wondering how this alien knew english when the last one didn't, but when a soft tail wrapped around his bare middle and a gentle purring started from the man cradling him he couldn't help but be comforted.

Ro woke with a start and felt reassured when his head was clear of the drugs they had used on him.

He hadn't dreamt of being taken in years, even though that same nightmare used to plague him nightly. Daz was right though. Ro was ok and Daz had held true to his word protecting Ro and Babulya, when she joined them, all the way up until he was taken by a buyer looking for a pretty fonn.

Daz had fought tooth and nail to stay behind and protect them but he was forced to give up when they drugged him into oblivion.

Ro felt new tears spring to his eyes when he thought about the fact that now he had been taken from his alien family just like Daz.

Ro looked around took in his new surroundings. He was in a roomy pet crate with soft pillows and blankets. He tested the bars strength, but gave up when he felt the solid metal. Outside the crate was a bedroom with a huge circular bed.

Just then, Cabbexev rushed into the room seemingly talking on the phone heatedly.

Ro took the moment to study the man who had taken him.

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