13- The Giants

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When Cabbexev came home it was drizzling outside so he didn't immediately notice how unnaturally quiet it was in his home. Subconsciously, he brushed aside the calm, thinking that maybe Ro and Kaneor were taking a nap and didn't hear him come in.

He walked in and put away his work things before realizing that Kaneor had always rushed to him when he came home, no matter whether they were napping or not because the gan had an amazing sense of smell and when he would come home the change in the atmosphere would alert Kaneor of his presence and wake him up.

Cabbexev frowned before cautiously looking around his home.

When he saw the smashed window he knew it probably hadn't been Kaneor or Ro who broke the reinforced glass. Kaneor might have enough strength to ram through the glass with his powerful legs, but Cabbexev had explicitly ordered Kaneor multiple times not to break anything in their home and he knew that Kaneor would listen.


Cabbexev sighed, while looking out the broken window, figuring out what had happened.

The poor pooliev (the rodent Kaneor killed) had bite marks at its throat that match the teeth of a male adult gan. Obviously Kaneor.

Any scent trail or tracks had been washed away by the rain, but Cabbexev knew from gan psychological studies he had read that Kaneor likely would have wanted to go out and explore to try and expand territory. Ro being the attached little human he was would have followed even if he had likely understood the stupidity of the decision and danger that would accompany it.

Cabbexev hopped out of the window and let his antlers start to glow. They were a sensory organ that allowed him to read energy links. The movement in the air where Cabbexev stood was affected equally and oppositely by the small movement of animals in the forest as well as the wind and temperature changes from the storm. He followed the energy throughout the forest before reaching an encampment of yoliz. A large race of semi-intelligent humanoids that naturally lived in the forests that surrounded his home.

He felt Ro and Kaneor's energy signatures there. The unique chemical balances in their bodies and the way their brains fired common electrical signals for their breathing and heart rate.

Cabbexev frowned.

If a yoli had picked up Ro and Kaneor it could be for one of two purposes.

One: as a pet where they would be treated similarly to at home.

Two: as food.

Cabbexev let the energy flow out of his antlers before sprinting off into the forest.

Hopefully it wasn't the second option. Cabbexev didn't know if he'd be able to make it in time if it was.


Hours before Cabbexev had come home.

Ro had passed out from anxiety.

Not the best time to be unconscious, but recently he had been feeling less and less like he was the one in control of anything anyway.

When he came to, he saw that he and Kaneor were still tightly held in the enormous hands of the giant. Ro worriedly looked over Kaneor for signs of injury but found that the only thing that was wounded for the boy was his pride. He looked like he had exhausted himself whilst trying to desperately break the grip of the monster that had got to them.

After a couple more of the stomach dropping leaps that the alien would use to travel they reached what looked like maybe a campground. There were roughly hewn tents that were made by bending down trees and burying their branches in the dense soil and then covered in woven material that looked like it was made of grass fiber.

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