18- The Escape

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Ro had been with the alien strip club for two weeks now and his hope that he would be rescued was slowly dwindling. Voluu had been tasked to teach him how to dance during the day. She, Ro and the jiffegs spent most of their time together. He had also learned the jiffeg twins' names finally. They were Bom and Gom. Ro was pretty proud that he was one of the only aliens in the club that could accurately tell them apart by their mannerisms.

The past couple days Voluu had been working on trying to train Ro, Bom and Gom into dancing on the stripper pole in the center of the stage. Ro was extra distractible today though, and Voluu was getting increasingly frustrated at him.

It was hard to concentrate normally in the club during the day with staff rushing about to prepare for the coming opening and there were other dancers practicing on other stages throughout the cavernous room. But it was even worse today because Ro kept thinking about his mates.

He missed them terribly. Enough to make it feel like his heart was bleeding inside his chest.

"God damnit Kilo!" Voluu screeched. They had renamed Ro Kilo at the club, which while it was strange it made Ro secretly glad. At least only those who were precious to him could call him by his real name, not these kidnappers.

Ro snapped to attention at the loud sound.

"Climb up the pole again!" Voluu yelled.

Ro scrambled to stand up before gracefully pulling himself up the pole arm over arm with one leg curled around the pole just as Voluu had taught him to.

"Great." Voluu sighed, clearly tired at yelling at the boys "Now do three Kilo." She ordered simply.

Ro had been able to keep up the "dumb pet" act through out the entire two weeks and none of them had said anything about his abnormal intelligence level. He knew it might not last much longer, there was bound to be someone who knew about humans and commented on him not speaking sooner or later. Ro was hoping to make an escape before then.

However, because of the act Voluu trained him like an animal. Showing him what to do first, giving him treats when he did it right or punishments when he wasn't listening correctly. Voluu didn't hit him hard when she would slap or spank him, but it was still uncomfortable and he avoided it at all costs. Voluu also named all of the pole dance moves numbers and would give him hand signals or orders when she wanted him to do them. They were similar to commands like "sit" "heel" or "down" for the dogs he remembered having in his early childhood.

"Three" was a move where he hooked his outer leg around the pole with his heel and pointed is toes, then he arched his back, flared his other leg out behind him and spiraled around the pole as he slid down.

Ro performed the move slowly making sure his actions were graceful and sexy, so that Voluu wouldn't reprimand him. He had started nearly twenty feet in the air and had spiraled down ten feet when Voluu called out again.

"Seven Kilo."

Ro smoothly transitioned to the next move by tightening the leg hooked around the pole and straightening it so he was sitting with one leg wrapped around the pole with his toes pointing up above him. While still spinning he slowly lowered his body so that he was now upside down with his arms below his head gripping the pole, one of his legs above him tightly gripping the pole and the other loosely wrapped around the pole as well.

He spun a few more times before his hands reached the ground and he released the pole to flip back into a standing position.

Whew. He thought to himself. I hate that one. It's a tough ab workout to slowly flip like that, unless I want to swing quickly upside down and slam my head onto the pole. He winced as he thought of the couple of times he had done so and gave himself a nasty bump on the back of his head.

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