4- The Doctor

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The next morning Ro awoke slowly and blushed brightly when he remembered the night before. He had his first two sexual encounters all within the same day. One was sudden and frightening, but the next was comforting and wonderful. He blushed even brighter when he remembered Cabbexev's words of praise and how he had fallen asleep soon after he found release.

Ro sat up from his little nest of blankets and noticed that there was a plate of sweet smelling gruel placed at the entrance of his cage.

He crawled over and ate some.

No wonder you can smell the sweetness, this tastes like I'm eating straight sugar.

It was far too sweet for Ro and he could only get down a few more bites before he had to push it away.

There was a pad of orange chemically smelling goo that would appear at the touch of a button at the back of the cage. When Ro touched it with his hand nothing happened, but when he relieved himself on it, it popped and fizzled before a cool spray of antiseptic was sprayed quickly on his nether regions. Ro was used to the spray, but the pad of goo was new. When he looked down none of the excrement he thought would be left behind was there.

Ro made sure to keep it closed except for when he really needed to go.

Ro sat back down in the corner of his cage. There was nothing to do, but eat, sleep, or relieve himself in the tiny room. Ro was bored, but he settled in and just as he was about to drift off Cabbexev rushed into the room. The man always seemed to be in a hurry when he came or went places. It made him seem even more imperious.

Cabbexev unlatched Ro's cage and pulled him out, and this time Ro didn't fight. What was the point? And Cabbexev hadn't been mean to him yet, not really. He had saved him yesterday and then comforted him so sweetly and patiently.

I guess I'll give him a chance. Ro thought as he nestled into Cabbexev's hold.

"How are you feeling now little one? A bit better?" The alien asked.

Ro nodded and blushed a bit.

"Well then, if you are doing better will you finally tell me your name?" Cabbexev chuckled.

Ro had forgotten about that and blushed even brighter at the mention of it.

"My name is Rohan, but I go by Ro." He said in a small voice.

"Thank you for telling me Ro." Cabbexev said while petting Ro's hair.

Ro nuzzled into Cabbexev's hand and he chuckled softly before speaking again.

"I'm taking you to the doctor, you'll be good for them right?"

Ro nodded quickly. He wanted to be good for Cabbexev.

"Good boy." Cabbexev smiled down at Ro and continued petting him. Ro's cock twitched at the praise and he shivered at the pets. He knew it was bad that he was already so attached to his master, but he couldn't help it. He was completely dependent on the man and had no one else to give him the affection he desperately craved.

The doctor's visit was cold and impersonal again and the doctor and Cabbexev talked lowly back and forth discussing something that Ro likely wouldn't have understood.

Ro looked curiously at the doctor. She had long coral colored hair and midnight black skin. She had a bland expression and spoke in a completely monotone voice. Cabbexev nodded and shook hands with the woman before coming over to Ro.

"I'll be back afterwards alright? Be good for the doctor." He said and after a final head pat he rushed gracefully from the room.

The woman briskly inspected Ro's body checking all over his skin and paying special attention to his head wound and the inside of his mouth.

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