Chapter 7

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Nicki's POV

"Who was that?", asked Meek as he pulled out the drive way.

I honestly wasn't entertained by the stunt Beyoncé pulled. She knew what she was doing, hell I don't even know why she would do that.

I would be wrong to say goosebumps didn't come when she was that close to my ear. I had to fight myself not to bite my lip.

But next time she pulls that shit Im chopping her in her long celery built ass neck.

"NICKI!", he yelled making my nerves bad.

"What Rihmeek!", I asked my voice laced with annoyance.

"Who the fuck was that?", he asked.

"Megan's friend, we went over there to visit her.", I said.

"Where the car?", he questioned looking at me.

"My dad drove us there from school, why the fuck you questioning me?", I asked becoming more annoyed.

"Don't start Onika.", he said.

"Whatever", I said pulling out my phone.

???: Hey

Me: who the fuck is this?

???: This Bey

Imma kill Megan.

Me: Delete my number😐

???: Well damn💔

Me: Seriously

???: Look just save my number and call me when you're on the way back.

"Who you texting?", he asked.

I felt myself start to reach over and slap him pissy, but I stopped.

Me: K.

I Put my phone in my pocket and leaned back.

"So where am I taking you?", he asked.

"To the school, I need to get my car and go get some clothes, I'm staying the night.", I said blandly as the light turned green.

"For wh—

"Just drive the fucking car Meek, if you gon play detective drop me off right here."

He didn't say a single word the whole ride. When we finally pulled in the parking lot I was happy as hell to get the fuck on.

Just as I was getting out he grabbed my arm pulling me close to his face.

"You love me?", he asked.

"Meek le—

"Answer me Onika.", he said gripping my throat.

"Yes I love you Daddy.", I said feeling some type of way.

"I love you too Princess.", he said kissing my lips. He knew I hated that fucking name but I wasn't gonna express it because I wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

I began to kiss him back and I felt his hand snake around my waist. I immediately pushed him away.

"Come on Nicki we've been together for a year and you still haven't let m—

"I TOLD YOU WHY I WON'T!", I yelled before getting out.

That bastard only cared about sex. There was a reason I didn't wanna do anything with him, I explained to him month ago and he still disregarded it.

I could hear him calling my name but I ignored it. I was opening my door when he grabbed my arm.


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