Chapter 5

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Y'all pay attention this chapter, it involves a lot of important information. Hell you might need pencil and paper.



Nicki's POV

Everything was enhanced. I could hear things that were no where near me. I could see better than ever. I smelled pizza even though I was in the middle of the woods.

I went from burning alive to Beyoncé's neck to jumping 30 feet from a balcony and landing. I finally came out of the woods and was met with a busy high way.

The horns were loud, very loud. They were making my nerves bad and giving me a huge headache.

My gums began to hurt bad. I felt and my mouth and my canines were sharper than usual.

I had to get out of here. I couldn't get across traffic but I also couldn't go back.

Fuck it, YOLO.

I ran across the busy 4 lane and once I got over I was met with a lake.


My short ass can't swim for shit.

I looked back to see Cardi looking at me. She smirked before disappearing into the tree lines.

I tried to keep up with her silhouette but it changed to a four legged creature.

What in the hell.

Some type of big cat came out of the trees. She jumped over the cars and came face to face with me.

She growled towards the house indicating for me to return.

"No I won't go back, y'all have put me through enough.", I said .

With a swift movement she pounced on me taking me down. She grabbed me by my collar and drug me back to the house. I fought best I could but her grip was tight.

Once we were back she let me go.

I couldn't smell like before, my strength wasn't everything and me trying to run back through the woods she just blocked the way.

"Nicki.", said Megan running to me .

She engulfed me in a hug Damn near knocking me over.

"Damn Shaq, calm down there.", I said .

"Bitch you were fucking dead next thing I know you're gone, what the fuck happened?", she asked checking all over.

"She almost fucking killed Bey.", said Cardi who was back to normal.

"One put on some clothes and two your friend killed me first I just helped her out.", I said.

"Nicki what the hell happened?"

"Look i felt my blood on fire, I went out cold, then something brought me back it was like my mom's cooking, it smelt good so I bit into it, it tasted even better, next thing I know Beyoncé's neck is in my mouth and she falls out cold.", I said.

"Wait so you didn't bite her neck to kill her?", asked Cardi.

"Hell no, I might not like the bitch but I ain't a murder.", I said with an eye roll.

"You said Beyoncé smelled good?", Megan asked.

"Yeah it was like food, not like sweet, like a hot meal and she tasted better, I don't know I know it's weird.", I said becoming stressed at the sketchy sounding story .

"No it makes sense all right, come with me.", she said trying to drag me in the house.

"I'm not going back in there Meg, I've been through enough in that damn house.", I said.

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