Chapter 1

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   "You know Jay I actually liked you, until you decided to play with my money.", I said as I waved the gun in front of my ex-husband/business partner.

   My name is Beyoncé Giselle Knowles. I'm what people call a Queenpin. I've been into drug-dealing since I was 16. I'm now 20. I started off as just a mule for a cartel, but now I've moved up and I'm the Queen of the South.  Every nigga from Arizona to Florida knows that the south is mines and no one will tell me different. Other than being the Queen Bey, I am also a beast, literally.

   That cartel that I said I was a mule for, one day they gave me some cocaine that wasn't good in any way. They had decided that they'd try letting some scientists make a batch of cocaine. The cocaine had different chemicals and shit like that in it. Instead of testing the cocaine they were in a rush and had me mule as much as I could, and before I could get to the drop point, one of the bags busted. The chemicals spread into my stomach and soon later into my bloodstream.

Once one bag popped, the chemicals from the bag burned the rest and the overload of chemicals messed with my genes. I wish I could say it was a painless process but it wasn't. I felt like I was being burned alive from the inside, well technically I was. I soon passed out from all the pain and when I woke up everyone in the vehicle was dead. Brains splattered everywhere.

   Me, I thought we had gotten hit or something, but then I noticed that my body was untouched. If we would've gotten hit they would've taken me or gut me open for the drugs. Little did I know when I blacked out I actually transitioned to my beast side. I killed everyone in the truck. Once I got back to Huston I went to the cartel's head house and I killed everyone there. I burned every last ounce of the drug they stuffed into me.

    Now I'm here today, I've developed very much since then. I've become one with my beast persona who I named Giselle. We talk to each other in my head. Even though we are in one body, sometimes she takes over(when I'm in beast form) and other times I take over(when I'm human) we make it work but she's still a pain in the ass.

Giselle: I heard that asshole.

Me: I know you did, you were supposed to doggie.

Giselle: (Growls)

Me: Do you want a treat?

     I got no response which means she's plotting and that isn't what I want, but back to this nigga.

   "Look Baby let's talk this out, there's no need to be hostile.", He said with his hands up.

   "Oh there is, see fucking with my money is like fucking with my emotions. Now you have done both, you cheated on me with a white girl named Becky, and you stole from me to buy that BITCH cars and shit.", I said before shooting him in the leg.

   "Beeyyyyy what the fuck man.", said my best friend Robyn.

   "Robyn you know how I am about my money, so this nigga is gonna give it back or imma let Giselle kill his ass.", I said while pacing the basement floor.

Giselle: Ummm, I might be a little hungry, but Ian eating that pigeon face nigga.

   "Fuuucckkk.", Shawn screamed out in agony. His yells were making my nerves bad and this wasn't funny anymore. He wasn't even begging for his life, he was too damn busy crying. Like damn my nigga toughen up.

   "Okay there are 4 people here, say ay if you want Shawn dead. Ay", I said with my hand up.

   "Ay, his crying is ugly as hell.", laughed Robyn.

Giselle: Ay , he's giving me a headache. It's already bad enough I hear too much, I don't need to hear his loud ass too.

   "Welp Jay 3 to 4, so how do you wanna die? Gun or Giselle?"I asked, waving the gun around wildly.

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