Chapter 6

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Beyoncé's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you Bey!", yelled Rihanna coming in my room.


"You kidnapped that girl, put her in a coma, threatened to kill her father, and possibly has changed her DNA, for what reason are you being such a motherfucking bitch?", she asked looking at me.

"Don't fucking test me.", I said feeling my anger rise.

"You really wanna go there.", I saw the fire in her eyes literally.

"Look I got a call when I healed, it wasn't the bite that made me change, it was the fact that those chipotle fucking bitches killed the only doctor who could make the antidote for me.", I said becoming more angry.

"What do you mean?", she asked.


"You're kidding me."

"My fucking face ain't smiling Robyn.", I said.

"Okay, so Beyoncé explain to me this, did you ever fucking think Nicki could be your eternal antidote."

I thought about it, she was right. I needed Nicki, but the way I just talked to her she won't even want to be around me.

"SHIT!", I said.

"Now look at you, you better be fucking glad I got her to stay, I also took samples of everybody's blood.", she said.

"So what the hell am I supposed to do?", I asked.

"Figure out a fucking way to get on Nicki's good side because that's the only way you're staying here.", she said before leaving.

Wouldn't that be considered blackmail. I wasn't gonna force her to stay here with me, but she needed me as much as I needed her.

Rihanna's POV

That girl truly does drive me crazy, she always doing some stupid shit.

I headed to the 3rd floor, taking the elevator. Once it opened the bright lights of my lab turned on.

Since a kid I loved science whether it was chemistry, biology, zoology. I looked at the computer and observed the cells. Each one was changing.

My cells were like water, they barely had a defined shape. It showed the process of what would happen to cells when they go through excessive heat.

Cardi's cells looked normal until I saw some change, they literally shifted, they could double, they could divide. That's how she was able to change into different breeds of cats, she could shift or increase size of certain cells to change form.

Megan's cells were like mines except they were a green color and it was like something was trying to get out of them. The poison changed her whole body.

Then I looked at Nicki's and my eyes bulged.

Her cells were blue and the thing is they weren't killing each other, they were reproducing. They weren't reproducing like a normal human though that's why she almost died, she needs to reproduce cells or she'll be fragile as a glass on wood floor.

I took a sample of Beyoncé's blood and added to Nicki's.

The yellow blood immediately was swallowed by the blue one and everything was still until they began to rapidly reproduce. They weren't yellow they were still blue and reproducing.

That's how she did it. Her cells were going slower than usual but Bey's venom made it reproduce more, if it wasn't for bey's venom they both would die.

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