Track 1: Back To You (Atsumu)

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Back to You by Selena Gomez

You had been friends with the Miya twins since elementary and liked Atsumu for as long as you could remember. But with how popular he was, you could be certain that you weren't the only one, you were however the only one he liked back. Which you knew but still you weren't going to take a chance on the presumed school playboy. Sure your feelings were strong, but they would go away eventually, at least that's what you hoped.

And every time we talk

Every single word builds up to this moment

You had been waiting in the front of the school for about five minutes calmly until you heard Atsumu scream, "Y/N" and you jumped.

"Shit, Tsu-"

"I am so sorry," he apologized and you could evidently see the frown on his face.

"Not a big deal-"

"No, really," he paused and took your hands in his before he stared into your eyes and repeated, "sorry I'm late."

"It's-," dammit. "It's fine, Tsumu just walk me home."


It was a normal routine, him walking you home then running back to the school for practice. Although, what wasn't normal was Atsumu being unusually quiet. You could see him fidgeting with his hands out of the corner of your eye and every time you would make eye contact with him he nervously smiled.

Usually, you didn't want the walks with him to end, but for the first time, you were happy when you arrived home to get out of the awkward situation.

"Okay well, I'm gonna-" you began to say, but Atsumu interrupted you.

"Y/N, wait," he grabbed your hand and you turned around reluctantly as you asked, "wha-" unable to finish your word as his lips came and crashed against your own.

And I gotta convince myself I don't want it

You quickly pull away and stare daggers at him as you harshly wipe off your lips.

"What the hell Atsumu."

"I like Y/N, you know that."

"We're friends."

"Y/N I can't keep pretending like I'm okay being just friends."

"Try harder," you told him before you attempted to storm away.

"What are you trying so hard for anyway? I know ya like me too."

"Shut up Tsumu."

"What are ya so afraid of?" he asked and you stopped walking.

Even though I do

You turned around and ran back down to him practically jumped into his arms but he caught you because of course, he caught you. Your faces were centimeters apart as you stared into each other's eyes and you swore, "I'm not afraid of anything."

He challenged, "then why don't ya kiss me?" and so just to prove a point, or maybe to prove something else you did.

You could break my heart in two

"Are you kidding me, Miya!"

"Last name really Y/N?"

"Really, I can't believe you did this."

"It's not that big of a deal-"

"You forgot our one-year anniversary, if that's not a big deal to you I guess we have bigger problems."

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