chapter 16

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I finally uploaded Chapter 16!!! I apologize for not updating anything for the past few months. I've been really busy lately, but I finally got the time to finish writing this chapter! 

 Drew's POV

I felt the tree branches snap beneath me as I ran through the woods. My breathing not slowing down anytime soon. I looked behind me to see Jayden's wolf not so far from mine.

We started trotting when we got near the lake and soon came to stop in front of it to get a drink of water.

"That was one heck of a run." Jayden huffed and turned back into his human self. I followed after him and we both were sitting in front of the clear water in our human form.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked when I saw Jayden about to black out.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." he said right before he passed out. Oh shit.

I quickly changed back into my wolf form and threw Jayden on my back. I ran towards the pack house as fast as my legs could take me.

I bursted through the door and ran up and down the stairs to look for Shannon. The alpha, which was also Jayden's dad held me down so I could calm down, as the other pack members pried Jayden off of me. I was so worried about Jayden but yet so confused. What is going on? How did Jayden JUST black out like that? Something is definitely wrong, and I'm gonna find out.

I waited (in my human form) for a couple of hours in Shanon's office to wait for Jayden to wake up, but he's still not awake. "there's good news and bad news. which one do you want to hear first?" Shanon asked, looking up from her clipboard.

"Good news."

"The good news is that Jayden's going to be fine and he'll wake up soon. The bad news is that we might know how Jayden passed out. He was drugged."

"What? How? He would never overdose. Besides, he's not taking any pills other than his vitamins."

"I'm not saying that he drugged himself, he could be drugged by someone else. Do you by any chance, think that anyone would want to go after Jayden?" Who would want to go after poor Jayden? Unless it's.....

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" I heard someone whisper. I looked down and saw Jayden wide awake.

"nothing. You don't have to worry about it." I said to reassure him.

"Oh, okay." he quietly said.

"How you feelin'?" I asked rubbing his arm.

"I'm good, I guess. what happened?"

"We were going for a run in the woods, when you suddenly collapsed when we were resting by the lake. Do you, by any chance, know how you blacked out? Shanon said that you were drugged. Did you overdose?"

"No, of course not."

"Then do you know anything suspicious going on?" I asked trying to get some clues on how he fainted.

"Well... I did get this letter..."

"What did it say?"

"I don't really remember, but it said something about staying away from 'him' or else..."

"And you didn't tell me?!" I practically screamed.

"I didn't want you to get all worked up."

"Well I am now!"

"Do you have any idea who the person that threatened me is?" He asked lowly.

"Well it could be..."

"Hey you're awake." Shanon interrupted us. "You feelin' okay?"

"Uh, I guess." Jayden responded.

"Good, just rest for the remaining of the day." She said and walked out the room.

"So where were we again? Oh yeah. It could be-" I began but was cut off by Alec bursting into the room. 

"What happened?!" Alec burst into the room and said.

"Can I ever finish my fucking sentence?" I mumbled under my breath. "He's okay. He just fainted, but we don't exactly know why."

"And Shanon told me that Jayden was drugged, meaning that the incident wasn't an accident. Someone was really  trying to hurt you, Jay." Alec said in worry. 

"We're not sure who's trying to go after Jayden, but my guess is that it could be Damien. Since I dated Damien before Jayden, he might have gotten jealous and tried to get me back." I remarked, but I don't see Damien as the jealous type. Whenever someone practically eye raped me in public, when I was still with Damien, he never spoke up about. He knew that people were staring at me, but Damien never cared because he knew that I was his. 

"Don't worry Jay, we'll find out who's trying to get you and why." 

"Thanks, Alec. You're the best twin anyone could ask for." My mate said quietly, and soon went into slumber. 

"I should get going, Tyler's waiting for me in the car." Alec left after we said our goodbyes.

 Everyone eventually left and gone back to what they were doing, except for me. I stayed with Jayden for the rest of the day, watching him sleep. 

"Hey, wake up." I heard someone whisper in my ear. I groaned and forced my eyes to be open. The room was now dark. "You're finally awake." Jayden whispered. 

"What time is it?" sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"It's 2 in the morning. Did you really stay with me this whole time?" 

"Yeah I did. I didn't want anything to happen to you, so I decided to watch you. But I guess I did a horrible job watching after you, since I fell asleep." 

Jayden took hold of my hand "Even the toughest knights in shining armors have to rest." 

"I love you." I kissed his forehead.

"I love you more." he responded.

"I love you most." 

"Did you just steal that line from the Disney movie Tangled?" Jayden laughed. 

"I thought you loved that movie." 

"I do." he said and kissed me. 


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Again, I'm really sorry for not posting anything for a couple of months now. PLEEEEAAAAASSSEEE vote and/or comment!!!!!!


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