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Akane's POV

~9 months later~

"Shit, I need to pee," I got out of my chair and waddled to the downstairs bathroom. "God, my back fucking hurts. I should probably stop cussing, sorry baby, Mommy is gonna have to try to not curse in front of you. Don't want your first word to be 'fuck' although your Dad would be proud," I made it to the bathroom and I felt something trickle down my leg. Fuck, I didn't need to pee after all. "KATSUKI, I THINK MY WATER BROKE!"
"WHAT?!" I heard footsteps rapidly coming down the stairs. "Your water broke?!" I gestured down to my obviously wet sweatpants. "Fuck, stay calm baby."
"I am calm, you're the one freaking out," He helped me out of the bathroom and grabbed the duffle bag and his keys. "God, they're kicking up a storm!" I held my stomach as Katsuki and I walked out of our apartment. "PREGNANT LADY COMING THROUGH, MOVE EXTRAS!"
"Katsuki, stop yelling at these damn people!"
"Sorry baby, we're almost there, okay? FUCKING MOVE!" I sighed as we rushed to the car and he opened the door for me, and helped me in. "Deep breaths, baby," He hurriedly got in the car and fumbled with the keys. I grabbed the keys and put it in the ignition. "Drive Katsuki," He put the car in drive and drove to the hospital.


"Congratulations, Miss Imani, it's a healthy baby boy!"
"Fuck yes! See, babe I told you it was gonna be a boy!" The nurse wrapped Koshiro in a blanket and handed him to me. "Hi, my baby boy, it's your mommy!"
"And your dad! God, I can't believe we're parents, Akane."
"Me neither. We made this little guy," Koshi wrapped his little hand around Katsuki's finger. "Katsuki, it's okay to cry."
"I'm not crying," He sniffed and smiled. He kissed my forehead and kissed Koshi's hand. "What will the baby's name be?" The nurse asked. "Koshiro DeWayne Bakugo."
"I think we agreed on your last name?" I shrugged and smiled at him. "Bakugo sounded better than Imani."

"If we have a girl, I want her middle name to be your last name."
"I thought we agreed on your mom's name?"
"The old hag will be fine," As if on cue, our parents walked back in because my dad passed out. Mr. Masaru even helped with the delivery while my dad was too busy being dramatic when he literally recorded my birth. There's our Akane!"
"Hi, Mrs. Mitsuki!"
"Honey, how many times do I have to tell you to drop the Mrs? You make me feel old!" Katsuki rolled his eyes and continued playing with Koshi. "Katsuki, do you wanna hold him?" His face went blank. "W—what?"

"You'll be fine, baby. You need to hold your son, Katsuki," He sighed and hesitantly grabbed Koshi out of my arms. "See, you got it," He smiled at me then looked down at Koshi. "Hi, Koshi, I'm your dad. I'll teach you all the curse words I know and you're gonna learn how to kick ass. Your first word will be 'fuck' or 'shit.' Your mom is gonna kill me."
"Damn right I am. Teaching our baby how to cuss."
"Look at who his grandparents are."
"Touché," Mitsuki and my dad probably curse more than me and Katsuki combined.

"He's beautiful, Akane," Masaru smiled at me. "Thank you, Masaru," I smiled back at him. "DeWane, can you believe our baby had a baby?" Momma put her hand over her heart. "Momma, please don't cry again," I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Dad, you'd be proud to know Koshi's middle name is your name. I know how much you wanted a boy and wanted to name him after him, so he has your name," It was my dad's turn to cry now. "And I told myself I wasn't gonna cry," He kissed my forehead. Suddenly, Koshi started crying. "Shit, I think I broke him...oh, it's literal shit. I'll change him."
"Bakugo, we got diapers," Momma waved him over as she got a diaper out. "Do you need anything, sweetie?" Mitsuki asked. "I'm okay right now, Mitsuki. I'm just glad you're all here."
"Well, if you need anything, you have my number. If you need a babysitter or anything, just give me a call."
"Thank you, Mitsuki, that really means a lot."
"Damn, come on kid, work with me here. Do you need your mom's titties?"

"What?! He's probably hungry! He just came out of your pussy not even an hour ago!"
"Can you stop yelling in my baby's ear and bring him here? And you saying that in front of our parents!"
"Babe, I'm pretty sure they know how a baby is made and how it comes out," He shrugged and picked up Koshi and brought him to me. "Awe, your daddy was being mean to you, huh? His big, scary voice scared you, huh baby?" He cried loudly and settled down when I held him. "Awe, my little baby," I kissed his forehead. "We'll come back later to check on you guys, Akane," Momma kissed my forehead and Koshi's. She hugged Katsuki and told him he was gonna be a great dad which made him cry. Everyone told us bye and left the room.

"Your mom has to stop making me cry," Katsuki said as he sat in the chair next to the bed. I lowered my hospital gown and pulled a boob out. "Come on baby, I know you're hungry," He had a little trouble latching on, but he eventually did. "There you go, Koshi. Katsuki, can you hand me that towel right there?" He grabbed it and handed it to me and I wiped some of the milk that was dripping down Koshi's chin. There was a knock at the door and I was so excited to see that it was our class. "Hey, it's Uncle Kiri!"
"And Uncle Sero and Denki!"
"And Aunt Mina!" All four of them walked in, immediately "aweing" at Koshi. "Awe, he's so cute! What's his name?" Mina asked. "Koshiro DeWayne Bakugo."
"Awe, hey little man. It's your Uncle Kiri. I'm gonna teach you how to be the manliest man ever."

"Okay, y'all back up. Y'all are crowding around them and she literally has her titty out," Katsuki stood up and made everyone back up from me. "It's not like I haven't seen it before," Mina mumbled. "Shut it, Raccoon Eyes," I shook my head at him and Koshi started coughing. "Hold on, Koshi, you were drinking too fast," Kiri, Sero, and Denki turned their backs so I could put my boob back. I draped the towel over my shoulder and held Koshi up and started to burp him. "You guys can turn back around now," They did and smiled at me. "Wait, does this mean you're a MILF now?" Denki asked. "Shut the hell up, Sparky."

"Huh, I guess I am," I shrugged. "Will you ever bring him to school?" Sero asked. "Probably when he's a few months old. Don't want to overwhelm him with so many people at once," Koshi let a big burp out and I felt him spit up. "Knew that was gonna happen," I sat him up and Katsuki came to my side and wiped Koshi's mouth. He grabbed the towel off my shoulder and balled it up. "It's so weird that you're a dad now, dude," Denki said and everyone nodded. "I'm the most responsible one out of you group of extras. Of course I'm capable of taking care of a baby," He scoffed. Koshi let another burp out and put his chubby little fingers in his mouth.

"Baby, you're gonna make yourself throw up," I took his fingers out and he looked at me with his big, brown eyes. He then looked at Kiri and Sero. "Hey, little man, I'm your cool Uncle Sero. Once you get old enough, we're gonna take you to a strip club. That's if your mom allows us," Sero winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Can I hold him?"
"Denki, you're the most clumsy, I don't know if I'll trust you with holding a baby," Mina laughed.

"I'm not that clumsy!"
"You are," Everyone said in unison. "Can I hold him?" Kiri asked. I nodded and he picked Koshi up. "What do you think his quirk is gonna be? Hi, Koshi, I'm Auntie Mina!" Mina smiled at him and he grabbed her finger. "I dunno, Katsuki and I have really different quirks, so who knows. Maybe he'll be quirkless or maybe he'll have a quirk," I shrugged. If he's quirkless, he has his Uncle Deku to help guide him and be a mentor to him. After a couple of hours of them being here, Koshi was asleep in Katsuki's arms and they bid their goodbyes to us. "Finally, they're fucking gone," He sighed. "I know, I was waiting for them to leave, but I didn't want to be rude. I'm so tired right now."

"Then go to sleep baby, you need your rest. I'll be on baby duty tonight."
"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure, Akane, get some rest."
"Thank you, Katsuki. I promise I won't sleep long."
"Babe, you spent 4 hours in labor and it's 9 o'clock at night."
"Damn, what time did we get here?"
"Around 2:20ish."
"Oh wow. The day really went by fast."
"It really did. I can't wait until we go home."
"Me neither. We'll finally be a family although we'll have to juggle school."

"We can do it though. We have a lot of people to help us, not to mention me. I'll do anything for you and this little shit. And before you even say anything, he knows I mean well, right Koshi?" He stirred in his sleep. "See?" I shook my head at him. "Goodnight, Akane."
"Goodnight, Suki," I smiled at him and laid down. "Kiss my baby for me."
"I will. Go to sleep, babe," I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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