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Akane's POV

My nerves were through the roof on the way to the doctors. I was so anxious to know if I was actually pregnant or not. "How you feeling, baby? Do I need to pull over?"
"I don't know, I'm trying to keep it down but my stomach is in knots."
"I'm gonna pull over, it might make you feel a little better," He pulled over to the side of the road and I got out of the car, throwing up in the grass. "Oh, fuck. That burned coming up, it cannot be healthy for me to keep throwing up like this," Katsuki handed me some Powerade and I thanked him. "Hey, look at me," He grabbed my face. "We're gonna get through this together, alright?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "Do you still feel queasy?" I shook my head. "You sure?" I nodded. "I love you."
"I love you too, Suki," We got back in the car and continued to the office.


"Akane Imani?" Katsuki and I stood up and walked over to the smiling nurse. "Dr. Hayashi will be the one taking care of you today. She's currently seeing a patient, but will be here shortly," She smiled at us then led us into an examination room. "Sit on the examination table for me," I stepped on the little step stool and sat on the table, swinging my legs a little. Katsuki sat next to me in a chair and held my hand. "So, what's been going on, Miss Imani?" I told her everything that happened, from me drinking a little then throwing up, then taking five pregnancy tests. "Have you been feeling sick before yesterday?"
"No, ma'am. It started shortly after I started drinking, but I was a little tipsy. I really didn't drink that much so I was confused on what was causing me to throw up. Katsuki thought that it might've been food poisoning or a stomach bug since I ate seafood last night and he thought it wasn't prepared right. I thought I was pregnant so he bought pregnancy tests and three were positive, two were negative."
"When was the last time you had intercourse?"
"I think it was yesterday."
"Are you on any birth control? IUD, a pill?"
"I'm on the pills."

"Have you been taking them consistently?"
"Yes," She nodded as she wrote something on her clipboard. "Okay, do you have any other concerns regarding birth control? Has it been working?"
"It has been. My cycles have gotten lighter and the cramps aren't as bad. My flow is consistent, I have it towards the end of every month and it only lasts three to four days."
"When was the last day of your cycle?" I pulled my phone out and went to the little app that tracked my cycle. "August 25th," She continued asking me questions like if we used protection and did a general check up on me; taking my temperature, checking blood pressure etc. Once she was done, she left the room and told us the doctor will be with us in a couple of minutes.

"How you feeling, babe?"
"Conflicted. Part of me says to keep it but the other part says to abort it and go on with my life. And I know you don't want a baby, so I don't want to burden you with one. You expressed it multiple times you didn't want a baby and now I'm here contemplating keeping it or not."
"Akane, don't worry about me. I'll be fine whether you keep it or not. It's your decision and I'll be here to support you."
"But it's a lot of responsibility and we're going to school too. Not to mention, we're barely adults and I don't want this baby to get in the way of you being a hero."
"Baby, I promise it won't be," I sighed. "And if I keep it, I'm gonna have to get an apartment, get baby stuff—"

"Akane, you're talking like I'm not here to support you. I'll take care of all that, okay? I don't want you to be stressed or stress the baby out."
"What about school?! What is Aizawa gonna say when he finds out I'm pregnant?"
"Probably give you a dry reaction. You also act like some of these teachers don't offer online classes you could take."
"What about training? While the rest of you are getting stronger, Imma be waddling around carrying a baby."
"There's workout courses for pregnant women. And your shit is mental, do crossword puzzles or some shit."
"You just have an answer to everything, don't you?"
"I'm using my brain unlike you," He poked my forehead repeatedly.

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