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Y'all gon hate me the next couple of chapters, but just roll with it😭

Bakugo's POV

I got the key out to IcyHot's place and unlocked the door. We walked in and immediately took our shoes off and Akane tossed her purse onto the counter. "Fuck, there's an upstairs too?" She groaned. "I wanna crash on the sofa so badly but I don't wanna mess up his white furniture."
"I'm sure he has maids to clean up," I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, carrying her upstairs. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up."
"Don't do it on my back, we're almost to the bathroom," She's thrown up twice on our way here, I'm not sure how she's still producing vomit. "I think whatever vodka Daisuke put in my lemonade does not agree with my stomach."
"It might've been cheap if it's making you sick," I brought her to the bathroom and set her on top of the counter. I started running the bath water and she suddenly got off the counter and crouched over the toilet. Damn, she's really sick. Could it be food poisoning? She did have seafood, maybe they didn't prepare it right. She flushed the toilet and slumped against the wall.

"Yeah, babe?"
"If you got me pregnant, I'm killing you."
"Relax, it's probably food poisoning or a stomach bug."
"I've thrown up six times in the past two hours and you don't think I'm pregnant?"
"You were keeping count?"
"That's not the point! Look, if I'm pregnant, I'm getting rid of the baby."
"Good, I don't need kids at 22. My life is barely starting and I don't want a little brat running around."
"Glad we agreed on that. Now, if we were to have a kid, what would the name be?"
"I'm not having this conversation with you," What the fuck is this? Is this body wash? I poured a little in the tub and it started making bubbles. Why in the fuck does IcyHot have bubbles? Does he rent this shit out to other people? So fucking weird. "I'm serious, Katsuki! I was thinking our first kid could have the same initial as you and the second, the same initial as me."

"And why are we talking about this?"
"Because I could be carrying your child."
"We don't know that. Would it make you feel better if I got a pregnancy test?"
"Okay, then I'll go get one after you're clean. Come on, the bath is ready."
"Why couldn't I take a shower?"
"I don't trust you standing up when you're sick like this," She groaned and I helped her up. She stripped and got in the tub. "So, about the baby names—"
"Can you shut the fuck up and let me wash you?"
"I can wash myself!"
"You could barely walk to the lobby. Just shut up and enjoy being cleaned," She sighed. "House husband Katsuki," She chuckled and I sighed, rolling up my sleeves.


After getting both of us clean and her to bed, I decided to go get a pregnancy test since she's so concerned about her being pregnant. "Love you and I'll be back," I kissed her forehead and I grabbed my phone. "Okay, be careful. I might not be up when you get back."
"It's okay, you need to sleep anyway. I'll be 15 minutes tops," I grabbed my keys and went downstairs, locking the door behind me. I don't believe she's pregnant. Isn't she on fucking birth control? There's no way but it doesn't hurt to check. Some people are born because of faulty birth control, hell I was one of those people... fuck, what if she's actually pregnant? Shit. I went outside to the parking garage and got in the car. I think there's a store somewhere around here. Something has to be open at 2am.

I left the parking garage and began driving around, looking for something that looks like a store. I passed by a little convenience store and stopped, parking in front of the store. I got out the car and went inside. An old woman was sitting at the counter, reading a newspaper. Where would the pregnancy tests be? I should probably buy more than one in case of false positives. I walked up and down the aisles until I found the medicine aisle. It should be here.

I found the pregnancy tests and grabbed five of them. Could never be too careful. I walked to the front counter and put the tests down. "Girlfriend?" The woman asked. "Yeah, she's been throwing up all night and is concerned she's pregnant," She put the newspaper down and got off her stool. She scanned each one and placed them into a bag. "4001.61 yen," ($35.10 in USD. Pregnancy tests are ¥800 which equals around $7.02 in USD) I gave her the money and grabbed the bag. "Keep the change."
"Good luck, sir," Good luck? I muttered a "have a good night" and got back in the car. I walked back in the condo, taking my shoes off at the door. I went upstairs to the master bedroom and Akane was up, eating ramen. "Where did you get ramen from?"
"It was in the pantry."

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