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Bakugo's POV

She's such a damn tease, but I can't let her own horniness and mine get in the way of asking her. I have to tell her or else it's gonna kill me if she doesn't. I already know how she feels, it's only fair if I tell her how I feel. I followed her into the room and she began digging in her bag for something to wear. I decided to go with sweatpants and a hoodie while she wore black sweatpants and a black cropped sleeveless top. "Hey, that looks like my tank top."
"I think it is now that I think about it. I think I just cut it cause it was too long towards the bottom," She shrugged. "It was already tight around my tits so I cut it."
"You cut one of my shirts?"
"You have a million black tank tops, Bakugo, me having one is not gonna kill you. Plus I know this one showed off your tits so I wanted to try it out."

"It's taking everything in me to not hit you."
"Damn, so we jump right to spousal abuse?"
"Shut up, you know I didn't mean it," I meant it a little bit. I'm fine with her stealing my shit, but cutting it? She's getting her ass beat. God, I sound like her. Sure do. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD. Haha, no. It's way too fun to hear all your thoughts. Could you at least warn me next time? What's the fun in that? "If I could somehow kill my brain without killing myself, I would. Are you ready yet?"
"Lemme just put my shoes on, damn. Rushing me and shit," She put her black high tops on and grabbed her lipgloss. "Now I'm ready."


"So where exactly are you taking me, Katsuki?"
"Katsuki? You only call me that when you're pissed or want something."
"I know, I just wanted to try it when I'm not mad. Can I call you Kat for short?"
"I do like it better when you're not mad, but don't call me Kat."
"Noted, Kat. No, but for real, where are you taking me? You're planning something aren't you? Those romance mangas are really turning you into a softie huh?"
"Shut up," I shoved her lightly and she shoved me back. "Race you to that tree over there!" She took off running, jumping over a log. I ran after her, her giggles filling the air. Betcha you can't catch me! Bet you I could. I propelled myself through the air using my explosions and laughed at her. "You'll start a forest fire if you keep using your explosions!"

"But at least I'm ahead!" Something flew by me and I felt a slash on my cheek. "DID YOU JUST THROW A KNIFE AT ME?!"
"Throwing star," She grinned as she threw more at me and I dodged each one. "Bakugo, watch out for that tree!"
"What tree?" I came face to face with bark as she ran past me, laughing. "Fucking illusions," I wiped the blood from my nose. "Ha! I won!" The tree disappeared and I could see her standing in a clearing. "By default!" I walked towards her and she giggled. "I'm gonna kill you."
"You're just mad I beat you in a race," She smiled. "Whatever," I rolled my eyes and sat on the grass. She sat down next to me and rested her head in my lap. "If you wanted to suck my dick, just say that."
"Is all you think about is sex?"
"You already know what goes on in my head."
"That's true."

"Do you ever read anyone else's thoughts without them knowing?"
"Yes, but most of the time it's against my own will. The one person whose thoughts I'd never go in again is Deku's. His thoughts were so overwhelming and chaotic, his voice was stuck in my head for a week. His thoughts are just..." She shuddered and I laughed.

"Denki's thoughts are the most fun to tap into. Denki just sings whatever song that's stuck in his head and thinks stupid shit 24/7."
"What about me?"
"I don't go into yours that often but when I do, it's just...chaos. You're either cursing someone out, imagining yourself strangling Deku, and constantly telling yourself you're gonna be the best, or you're thinking about me," She smiled. "But I've noticed lately you've been thinking about me and I'm flattered. Do you have something to tell me, Katsuki?"
"I hate that this is part of your quirk," I sighed. "Babe?" I trailed my hand against her jaw and she sighed. "Yeah?" Fuck, I can't believe I'm about to do it. "Fuck... Akane, I like you or whatever. You make me happier than romance manga, Akane."
"Awe, I'm higher than romance manga? Even though I made fun of you for it and will never stop?" I scoffed. "I'll take back my confession."
"Too late, you already said it! And I've always known you liked me, I was just waiting for you to say it. You aren't exactly subtle with it."

"After we fuck, you cling to me like a lost puppy, you call me babe, hold my hand and kiss me even though we're just fucking, act like we're a couple, want me to go on?"
"Fuck you. So you'll be my girlfriend or what?"
"Of course, idiot. You should've known that answer," She flicked my forehead. "Shut up, don't call me an idiot."
"You are an idiot if you thought my answer was gonna be something other than yes."
"Whatever, dumbass. I knew you were gonna say yes. Damn, you're my fucking girlfriend."
"I can't believe it either. That means I can steal more of your shit. There's this hoodie I've been eyeing too."

"My red one?"
"Yup! It's really comfortable! Do you think anyone has realized that we've been gone for an hour?"
"Probably not, but I'm glad those idiots won't be able to bother us while we're out here."
"Yeah, it's really peaceful out here, but unfortunately we have to head back at some point. Plus I'm getting hungry, I'm sure Mina ate all the strawberries."
"Oh fuck, I never made you breakfast didn't I? Come on, let's head back," She groaned. "But I'm so comfortable!"

"You need to eat, get up," I nudged her and she sighed. "Fine, I'll get up," She sat up and stretched then stood up. "Do you remember the way back?" I asked as I stood up. "Yup, we just follow my throwing stars."
"I can't believe you used them during a race."
"You used your quirk," She shrugged. "Plus it was a good way to work on my aim. And I'm sorry I cut you, it was a way to throw you off guard."
"And it worked."
"I know," She said smugly. I followed her through the woods, grabbing the stars on our way back. "You gotta show me how you throw these."

"You already have balls of explosion you can throw, why do you want throwing stars?"
"So I can light them."
"That's the dumbest idea you've ever come up with," She snorted as she grabbed the last star. We found our way back to the cabin and I sighed. Great, I have to deal with these idiots again.

The moment they ask about me and Akane, I'm blowing them up. We walked up the steps and walked into the house where everyone was sitting around the kitchen island. Just great. I'm not ready to deal with them. "Hey, look who's back!" Shitty Hair smiled. Be nice. No, they can kiss my ass. They need to get out so I can cook for you. Just cook, Katsuki, they're your friends too. I don't have any friends. Bullshit and you know it. "Hey, y'all! We just went on a walk, what's up?" She leaned against the counter and I sighed, getting a pot out. Guess I'm cooking for everyone.

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