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Hey y'all, I'm FINALLY done rewriting this book hence why there's a lot of updates rn. This book may or may not end at chapter 17 or 18, but I lowkey wanna write a spin off book when they're in their 30s. There's also gonna be a lot of time skips in upcoming chapters bc I was running out of ideas so enjoy these fast ass updates🤍

Akane's POV

~a week later~

"Babe, you have to tell him. You've been stalling for a week now," I was sitting on Suki's bed as he tried to convince me to talk to Aizawa. School started and I have yet to tell him the news. About two days after the appointment, Dr. Hayashi told me I was two weeks pregnant. I told my parents as soon as I got the call and surprisingly they were supportive. I was expecting them to be pissed at me for getting pregnant but they weren't. They were more than happy to help pay for baby stuff and my mom even offered to babysit so I can focus on school. Now I just needed to tell Aizawa. "Do you want to practice what you're gonna say?"
"No, I think I can do it. I'll go tell him."
"Good because you need to let him know so you can work out what you're gonna do for school," He kissed me and I stood up and sighed. He smacked my ass as I walked away and he smirked. "Your ass looks so good babe. Might have to put another baby in you."
"Don't even think about it."

"I'm kidding, okay? I love you and good luck."
"Thanks, Suki and I love you too," I left his room and let him finish packing up. I walked to Aizawa's office, my stomach twisting every step I took. I finally made it to his office and knocked on the door. Don't be here, please don't be here. He opened the door, glasses on his face and his hair tied back. He somehow looked less tired with glasses on. "Can I talk to you right quick? It's really important," He stepped aside and opened the door wider for me to come in. I sat on the sofa as he sat in his chair. He put his glasses on top of his head and looked at me. "What's going on, Akane?"
"I'm pregnant and Katsuki is the father. I'm gonna keep the baby," I played with my fingers as I waited for his answer. "How far along are you?"

"Two weeks. Look, I'm not dropping out or anything. I wanted to let you know that I'm still going here and if there's a way I could do stuff online later on in the pregnancy. I can do stuff now and for the next couple of months of course, I just need to know I'll be able to do the work in order to graduate. I just have two years left, Aizawa. I'm not gonna drop out and I still want to be in the hero's course."
"I'm not letting you do any training while you're pregnant, Akane. You're gonna put the baby in danger and I don't want you to risk losing your baby."
"Am I gonna have to switch courses?"
"No, you can still take the written part of the course, and you'll just have to be on medical leave. It won't count against you and you'll still be able to graduate."
"Thank you, Aizawa!"

"Of course. Please take care of yourself and if Bakugo is being an absentee father, call me," He put his glasses back on and turned back towards his computer," I smiled and stood up, and hugged him from behind. "Thank you, Aizawa!" I kissed his cheek and he smiled softly. "I promise I'll do some mild training, something suitable for pregnant women," I grinned at him and he shook his head. "Be safe with it."
"I will!" I hugged him again and left his office.

I walked down the hall with a smile on my face. I went back to Katsuki's room to tell him the good news. When I walked into his room, he was folding his clothes and putting them into boxes. "Hey dumbass, how'd it go?"
"Better than I thought. He's gonna basically gonna pass me for the physical parts of the exams."
"See? I told your stupid ass it'll work out," He shook his head while smiling. "Yeah, yeah, I know I should've listened."
"Are you packed?"
"Halfway. Mina is gonna pack the rest because 'pregnant women need to rest.' I kept telling her I could pack it all myself, it's not like 5 months pregnant or something."

"She's right though, you need to rest."
"I'm still mobile."
"Don't care, didn't ask," He closed the box and put it in the corner of the room, then grabbed another box to put all his manga in. "Let me pack my manga up and I'll come help you," I sighed. "I'm going to my room."
"You better not do any heavy lifting!" He yelled as I closed the door behind me. I went to my room and sighed when I saw the state I left it in. It was overwhelming by the amount of clothes that littered my floor, bed, and my dresser. Can't believe I have to pack everything up when I just moved in a week ago. Those LED lights are staying there because it's stuck on the wall plus our room is twice as big as this room.

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