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Bakugo's POV

"How you feeling, baby?" Akane was lying on my chest, staring ahead at the tv. "Good. I love aftercare with you. I love seeing this side of Bakugo."
"I'm already like this around you whether it's during aftercare or not."
"Yeah, I know. I'm starting to think you actually like me, with the extra cuddling."
"I just want you to be alright since I was rough and humiliated you."
"I liked it though! And you didn't deny it!" I rolled my eyes and kissed her forehead. "I'll leave it up to your imagination whether I like you or not."
"Just tell me, Bakugo. How do you know I like you back?" She looked up at me with a small grin on her face. "I know you like me, Akane. It's no secret," She pouted and I kissed her nose, making her giggle. She has no idea what she's doing to me. Fuck buddies don't catch feelings for each other right? God, I'm so fucked.

"And it's obvious you like me back if you keep coming back for pussy, calling me baby, and actually showing that you care about me. Don't think I haven't noticed you calling me babe and baby. And you practically brand me every time we have sex, which I'm not complaining about because you branding me is hot."
"I helped you discover another kink?" I groaned. "Yup! Next time we have sex, I want you to brand me. I want everyone to know that I'm yours."
"Baby, I think you're still in subspace."
"I'm not! I want you to brand me, please?"

She now straddled me, her hands on my chest. "Please, daddy?"
"No, baby, you need to relax," I grabbed her by her waist and moved her off me. "Relax," She pouted and laid next to me. "You're no fun."
"We've fucked three times today."
"This past time doesn't count since I just sucked you off and I basically masturbated."
"Goodnight, Akane," I turned the lamp off and kissed her. She sighed heavily and I wrapped an arm around her. "Please go to sleep, brat."
"Goodnight, Baku."
"Night, babe," I admired her face, the way it glowed under the moonlight. Fuck, I think I love this girl.


I woke up to a face full of locs and soft snores. I gently pushed Akane's hair out of my face and smiled at her sleeping figure. She stirred in her sleep, and started mumbling something. She talks in her sleep sometimes when she's dreaming, but it happens more often when she's with me. "Bakugo, I-I love you and I wanna be yours. Please let me be yours," She went back to snoring and I stared in shock at her. She loves me? She stirred in her sleep more and eventually woke up. "Morning, Bakugo. Why is your face red...? Oh no, did I say something embarrassing in my sleep again?! Oh God, just tell me what I said."
"Are you sure?" She nodded. "You said you loved me and wanted to be mine."
"I did?"
"You did."
"God, you scared me. I thought it was something more embarrassing than that," She sighed in relief.

"Like I confessed some deep, dark secret or something. Everyone knows that I flirt with you and might have a little crush, so it's no biggie," She shrugged. "And I think you like me back too."
"I don't."
"Your little dream is as close as you'll get with being with me."
"You're a horrible liar," Fuck. Do I just tell her? "You're right, I am."
"Wait, Katsuki Bakugo just admitted something?! Where's my phone, I need to capture this moment."
"You're an idiot."
"I could be your idiot but you're too much of a pussy," She shrugged as she got out of bed. "A pussy? I'm not a pussy."
"Prove it."
"Prove that you're not a pussy. You just admitted—" I cut her off and kissed her and she immediately pushed me away.

"Wait! Go brush your teeth before you kiss me!" She giggled as I got out of bed. This would be a good time to tell her, but I don't know how. We brushed our teeth then I kissed her and she smiled. "Better?"
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"I'm good with eggs and toast."
"Got it, an omelet."
"That's not what I said."
"It's what you're getting."
"Yes, chef. Guess I can't help?"
"No, you can't," She pouted and we walked into the kitchen. She sat on the counter and swung her legs.

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