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I turned and saw her. Someone I trusted. Someone I had grown to trust. "I couldn't let her tell my story, could I?," she smiled sweetly. All I saw was red.



"Me," she mocked me. I looked back at Angela, lying on the ground almost lifeless. The girl infront of me chuckled, "Don't worry, she's just unconscious. At least for now." I looked at her, "I trusted you. You were my friend."

She smiled innocently, "Weren't you told not to trust strangers? I'm pretty sure that's the first thing every child is thought by their mother. How can you trust someone you met what... three week ago."

I stared at her and repeated my words, "I trusted you. I. Trusted. You. I TRUSTED YOU!!!! Chloe I trusted you." My voice got louder with every sentence.

She rolled her eyes, "Of course you did. That the point of this whole charade. For me to earn your trust... and then I use it to my advantage." She started shaking with laughter, "I can't believe you thought it was her. No, look at her. This is there person you suspected. Woww. I am truly disappointed. I thought you were a smart girl." She tried to touch cheek, I slapped her hand off.

Just as she finished my phone rung and bestie flashed across the screen. "Don't even think of picking it," she order, "Pick it up and give it to me." Not wanting any trouble I handed her the phone. Immediately she got hold off it she threw it hard on the stony floor  causing it to shatter into pieces. "I'm sure daddy can buy you a new one...oh wait he won't have to."

"Aww, someone's angry. Did I hurt your feelings." I glared at her and she shrugged. "You know she saved your life." I was confused. "Urgg Angela. Sh..she saved your life. You were supposed to die that day. I was actually planning of hitting you with a car. You know run you over," Chloe groaned, "But she had to ruin it." I froze with realization.


Four months ago.
National Dance Competition.

"Girls and boys hurry and get your things ready. We're there," Blake said once we reached the Centre. We all squealed in excitement. I looked out in awe. We made it. All our hard work paid off.

"We did it," Liz said enveloping me in a hug. I turned to see tears forming in her eyes. "We did it."

Our dance instructor, Denise, clapped her hands, "As much as I'm proud of you guys for making it here, our work is not done. We have to win the Nationals. We have to be the best, put in all our efforts and," she smiled, "have fun." We all hugged her grabbed our bags and went to the entry table. As we waited I decided to listen to music.

A few minutes later, I was tapped on the shoulder. "Are you Samantha?," a brunette asked me. I nodded. "A woman Denise said you should pick her phone from the bus." With that she walked away. "I'll be back," I said to Liz and Madison as I gave them my bag.

I was walking towards the bus which was in the other side of the road. As a crossed the road, I heard a shout, "NO!!!Move out of the way."

Before I could register what was happening a car moving at 70 miles per hour was approaching. I only had enough time to jump out of the way. Due to the speed of the action I twisted my ankle and fell hard on the floor. I was in so much pain I could barely move. People rushed toward me to check if I was alright. Before I could complete see the face of the person who saved me.

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