Bestfriend contest

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After a while, Liz and I decided to go out for lunch. We both decided that McDonald was the best option since it was the closest. As we were leaving, we ran into the boys and Angela.

"Samantha, how you doing?," Lucas asked trying to find out whether I was better after what happened this dawn. I nodded and smiled, trying to tell him I was okay. After realising I was fine Luke pushed me aside and concentrated on the stranger infront of him.

"Hello, I'm Luke," he said extending his hand," and you are..." "Out of your league," Lizzy said pushing his hand away. Aiden and Lucas burst into laughter while Luke turned red with embarrassment. Angela just rolled her eyes. Liz looked very satisfied with Luke's reaction.

"Guys, this is Liz," I said formally introducing her. She smiled and waved, " I'm Samantha's bestfriend." With that Aiden frowned. Liz and I were very close but she knew very well that Aiden was my bestfriend and I knew she only said that to get on his nerves.

"No, you're not," he said to Liz's satisfaction. "Yes I am," she replied. The two of them went back and forth for a while before Lucas told them to shut up. They both poured and frowned like the children they were. I just smiled and shook my head.

"Anyway where were you girls going when we arrived," Luke said trying to make conversation. Almost as though she forgot Liz replied, "McDonalds!! I'm so hungry let's go." She dragged me towards her car. Luke stopped us midway to the car, "Why don't we join you? We haven't eaten all day." "But we just at.. Ouch!" Lucas was prevent from finishing his sentence when Luke elbow him in the rib. I giggle at his childish behaviour and looked at Liz for her answer. She smiled and shrugged definitely impressed by Luke's persistence.

"But this is just to prove that I am Samantha's bestfriend," she said giving a pointed look to Aiden. "Whoever gets her order for lunch and dessert right wins." Aiden smirked at her challenge and accepted it. Something about Angela's expression made me know she wasn't happy with it and definitely made me want to crawl into a hole.

About 30 minutes later we arrived. Lucas and Luke in one car, Aiden and Angela in another and Liz and I in the last.  We headed in and looked for a table. Once we were all settled Liz said to Aiden, "Round one, we both order what we think is Samantha's go to McDonald's order. The one she picks wins," she turned to me and pointed, "Don't be biased." I smiled and nodded.

They both went to order. A few minutes  later, the waiter came with their order. Liz's own came first and I frowned. She ordered an Egg Mcmuffin and sausage burrito. Aiden immediately laughed. Anyone who knew me knew I would never mix eggs and sausages together because they made me puke. I was hundred percent sure that Liz ordered this for a reason.

Next, Aiden's. He ordered one spicy crispy chicken sandwich and world famous fries. Which was definitely my go to McDonald order. I felt my stomach do a flip and felt my face getting hot. This can't happen, I dont blush, I thought mentally freaking out.

I gladly chose his. Liz looked disappointed but when nobody but me was looked she smirked. That's when I definitely knew something was up.

After we had eaten, we all decided to go get some ice cream. When we arrived Liz spoke again, "You may have won the last round pretty boy but the next, dessert. He haven't know her for almost 4 years. I definitely got this one in the bag or should I say the cone. When you get the ice cream, you must also explain  why you chose it." Without waiting for Aiden's answer she walk towards the shop.

She came back a few minutes later with plain vanilla ice cream. "Okay for the explanation." I gave her a questioning look. "Samantha is a plain girl. No drama nothing. Just boring. That's why she loves vanilla." Aiden shook his head definitely not agree with her and went to buy.

He came back a few minutes later with a chocolate, vanilla and strawberry icecream with honey and sprinkles, which was definitelymy favourite. This time Luke spoke, "Dude, isn't that going to be too sweet and contradicting?"

Aiden smiled, "Yep, but that how she likes it because that just how she is. Not the sweet part obviously," I elbowed him, "See?," he said he said with a chuckle," but with the contradiction. She is a different flavour when she wants to be, chocolate when she is violent, vanilla when she is plain and boring," he said turning to Liz, "Strawberry because she can both me sweet or sour, honey because she makes everything better, and sprinkles more attractive and beautiful. That just who she is," he turned to me and handed me the already melting icecream, "A mix of different flavours that make a perfect dessert." He looked at me and I smiled. I could literally feel butterflies having a show in my stomach.

"We definitely know who won this round, don't we?," Luke said. Liz signed, "Fine, whatever, you win. But you used emotional blackmail." I turned to face her and laughed, "That's how losers talk."

"Can we leave now?," Angela asked Aiden. "I absolutely forgot she was here," Lucas whispered to Liz and I and we giggled.

"We should get going, we do have to start decorating the venue very early tomorrow," Aiden said and we all nodded. With that we went our separate ways. Angela insisted that Aiden dropped her home even though she lived closer to the twins.

Once we were in the car alone I decided it was the right time  to ask Liz what all that had been about. "Liz," she looked at me and immediately turned back to the road, "What was all that about?" She laughed, "What do you mean?" 

"The whole bestfriend challenge. You know that Aiden is my bestfriend," I said explaining further.

"Oh that, I just wanted to see and prove something and I did." I became confused, "What?"

She smirked, "That you too are made for each other." I almost choked on my own saliva. "Look at how he got everything right. With the McDonald's order, I would say I intentionally got it wrong, but with the icecream, men I was touched. Did you see his girlfriend's face when he was done . It was filled with so much jealousy. "I was about to protest when she stopped me, "Deep down you know I'm right." After that we fell into a uncomfortable silence.

How y'all loving Liz.

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