Karaoke Night

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Well, it's been three days since the unexpected excursion and to say it has been the best three days of my vacation would be an understatement. We have exactly fourteen days to plan the Christmas dinner and luckily the boys returned two days ago which made the work easier. Yesterday we finally convinced Aiden agree to the last event venue and that was way harder than finding the venue itself.

Since we finally had our venue, we were to look for the decorations today. We decided to all meet at Taylor's café since it was closer to the shop Aunt Amanda suggested. As usual Aiden picked me up and we went together. Unlike our other car rides together, the journey was filled with conversations which made absolutely no sense and made sense at the same time.

We were the last to arrive because Aiden wanted Starbucks. You are not the only person who doesn't get this boy. I tried to explain to him that we were going to a café but of course he didn't listen.

"You guys are very late. Even Cinderella made it here before you. You should be ashamed," Lucas joked while everyone laughed. Well, everyone except "Cinderella".

"Now that you're all here, can we leave?," Chloe said. We nodded. "Since there are only two cars, Aiden you take Samantha and Angela, I'll ride with Lucas and Luke," she continued as we all got up.

Well this is gonna be fun.

Something told me that riding with Angela is going to be weird and uncomfortable and it was right. The first fight was whose going to sit in the passenger seat. After a while I gave up and sat at the back. Aiden mouthed sorry and I smiled back and nodded.

During the ride Angela started talking about her dance crew which shocked me. "You dance?," I blurted out unintentionally. She turned and frowned," Yes, I do." "Angela team won second place in the dance competition you participated in." She froze.

"Which one?," I asked. "The one you won," he answered. I thought for sometime,"I don't remember seeing you there." She looked out the window and didn't mind me. I decided to ended our conversation there because I didn't want any trouble. I listen to music for the rest of the journey.

We arrived soon after and the others looked like they had been waiting for a while. We spent the next two hours going through table centre pieces and finally decided on two of them.

 We spent the next two hours going through table centre pieces and finally decided on two of them

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