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After hugging me for what seemed to be forever Liz finally let go. "Oh My Gosh, I've missed you. Life is so boring without you. And you haven't text or called me in days," she said frowning at the end. I laughed.

"I texted yesterday and we spoke three nights ago," I said rolling my eyes at how over exaggerating she behaves.

"I know but I was literally dying of boredom. I had to hangout with Blake," she whined. Blake was a super cute guy in our dance group that had had a crush on Lizzy for years and he definitely made it very clear to her that 'he will wait for her even if it takes a life time'. Her words not mine.

"So you decided to drive over 30 miles to a town you didn't know, just to find a solution to your boredom?," I asked confused. "Well yes, and also I missed you," she enveloped me in a hug again.

"Hello Liz," my dad said descending the stairs. "Good morning, Mr. Smith," she said in her 'adults are present lets behave well voice'. If you didn't know Liz like I did you would think she is the most well behaved girl in the world. She has got all the teachers and sometimes even my dad fooled.

"I wasn't expecting you here," he said as he came to join us in the doorway. "Sorry for the unannounced visit, I just want to spend this Christmas with Sam. My parents travelled and won't make it back in time for it." I rose my eyebrow at her. Her parents had definitely not travelled, but dada had already fallen for it.

"Oh don't worry darling, you can stay for as long as you want. You can stay in one of the guestrooms. " I rolled my eyes as she grinned.


After settling into the guestroom next to mine, she batched to my room like it was hers which she did more often than I would like back in Westwood. She looked round and finally sat on my bed. "Please tell me why you ever left this heaven?," she said with a sigh. I just chuckled.

She decided to catch me up on the things I had missed when I left. She was telling me how Kevin totally embarrassed himself doing the Christmas dance when she absolutely froze. I tried to get her attention by snapping my fingers and waving but failed miserable.

"Oh. My. Gosh." she finally said after a few seconds still staring outside my balcony. "Why?," I said and turned to see what she was looking at. When I did I froze.

I saw a shirtless Aiden walking around his room definitely looking for something. I think he went back to bed when he went him because he had messy bed hair and his eyes were still dull and reddish. "Who... is he?," Liz  asked after a while of us staring shamelessly at his perfectly tanned abs.

Again I rolled my eyes, I turn to do that a lot when I was with Liz. I love her but man she's annoying. "That's Aiden." She frozen again.

"Which Aiden?," she asked confused. I chuckled, "Which Aiden do you know?" She gasped. "Oh my Gosh, that Aiden.Why didn't you tell me he was such a hottie?" I almost choked on my own saliva.

"You selfish little thing," she smirked, "You wanted him all for yourself." I laughed at her childishness. After a while, I decided it was time to give Aiden some privacy and pulled Liz from the window. As I was about to push her I heard someone say, "Take a picture, it would last longer." It was my time to freeze. I turned to see Aiden looking at us, he was clearly very amused.

"You know next time close your window when changing," I said folding my hand and trying to concentrate on only his face. He smiled, "Next time don't watch." Trying to save myself from any further embarrassment, I closed my balcony window but not before he let out a laugh.

I turned to see that Liz had a very amused expression. "Why?" She shrugged and turned back to the bed.

After a while she looked at me. "You two are cute, you know?" When she realised I was confused she continued, "You and Aiden would be cute together." I looked at her for sometime and burst into laughter.

She frowned," Why are you laughing?" I shook my head at her. "He has a girlfriend Liz," I said, "And i don't even think about him like that." She looked and me for a while and rose her hand in surrender.

She went back to talking about Blake's hideous cloths and dance moves but I couldn't pay attention. I could stop thinking about what she said.


Sorry for not updating in almost a week. Christmas preparations are hectic. But I promise to try and update one more time before Christmas.

Love you'll,

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