➥12: taking care

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"WONWONN!!" Noze greeted as she run towards his brother facing his back, but she stopped her tracks when jungwon carried a boy in his shoulders that's from the backseat of the unfamiliar car.

Jungwon p.o.v

Noze turned on the aircon as I enter my own room with jay in my shoulders. I'm holding him so he won't fall.(too late he already fell for you😸)

I quickly layed him in bed as I tuck him in. He's still burning hot by the way.

But Noze quickly handed me a clean towel with a basin to wipe jay's hotness away. And putting it lastly on his head.

I wait a little more noticing jay deeply dozed off.

I sniffled and noze quickly went to my way since she probably noticed my eyes getting teary.

Jay is getting better and is curing, thanks to my sister Jay quickly got better with only wet towel on his forehead.

Noze hugged me because I was actually so mad at myself for letting Jay stay in the cold for 2 hours and more.

I hate myself. I thought as I bury my face on my sisters' clothes. My sis gives the best hugs so I stayed in her embrace as I let tears fall.

"Wonie?" Jay said and that made me quickly jump up and rush to the bathroom to wash my face.

Jay p.o.v

"Well there he goes" Noze said chuckling as she turn her head towards the boy in Jungwon's bed.

"Oh hello..uh..?" Jay said

"Noze, Jungwon's sister" Noze answered as jay bow his head to her for she is Jungwon's sister.

"Wow you two look alike" Jay said as he noticed.

"Mhm! Everybody says that. But don't hit on me okay? I know I'm goodlooking and my face are like my brother's but stay with my brother okay?" Noze advised while Jay was weirded out but he still laughed.

"Im gay tho" Jay said wanting to clear he's not straight nor bi.

"Yeah Jungwonsexual to be exact?" Noze asked and jay was contemplating to answer that resulting him to awkwardly chuckle.

"Uh oh don't bother answering that gotta go! Jungwon's coming" Noze winked leaving the room.

Jungwon went out of his own bathroom and walked to jay's direction awkwardly.

He sits down on his bed where jay also was laying.

"Are you feeling better?" Jungwon asked meeting jay's eyes, looking down quickly.

"Yes buttercup don't worry" Jay smiled and jungwon nods.

"Jeongseong-hyung i'm sorry for ditching on you and ignoring your messages" Jungwon let out that his voice cracked in between saying it.

Jay was fluttered as he looked for Jungwon's eyes because jungwon has been hiding his face.

"Why did you ditch on me?" Jay said as he stretch out to Jungwon's face.

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