➥07: betrayed

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He heard it all. Jay and Jungwons conversation seems so unreal to him.

Heeseung p.o.v

I came back to the theater and saw two figures by the stage, I was just about to leave but the two figures seems so familiar to me.

"Is that jay? Isn't he sick? Why is he still here?" Heeseung thought feeling betrayed because jay looked like he was healthy and happy while dancing with some boy.

"Are they rehearsing?" Heeseung once again talked with his mind.

But they don't seem like they're rehearsing, and later when the angle got better; he saw who jay was dancing with.

"Jungwon?" Heeseung thought, jealous since the boy was with whom he loved and they seem so happy with each other.

Heeseung in the inside was ranged. But he chose not to confront them. Instead, he went to the backstage to eavesdrop.

And that was the last thing he wanted to do the moment he heard Jay confessing to the boy. It was a painful nightmare, he wanted to get out of.

"Wh-what??" A tear escaped his eyes as he clutched his throbbing chest caused by what he witnessed.

He heard it all. Jay and Jungwons conversation seems so unreal to him.

But he stay stilled since he met eyes with Jay. Heeseung ran out the backstage crying his heart out.

The image of jay staring back at him was replaying in his mind. Jay seemed to be so real in saying he wanted to ask jungwon out. And that is what it pained him.

Jay must've liked Jungwon and not him anymore. I mean he understood why jay doesn't feel the same way with him anymore especially that he was gone for a long time.

Everything seemed to be in a blur until he reached to his dorm. Tears flowing, heart aching. His roommate was worried so he asked why he was crying but Heeseung didn't say anything to the junior, his roommate.

"Please tell me so I can help you out" Jake said.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna sleep." Heeseung snapped, he was really not in his right mind right now.

But heeseung lied. He didn't sleep. He was having a hard time sleeping since he was reminded everytime by his brain that Jay wasn't his anymore.

Jake heard his snobs,cries,sniffles and whatever the hell those are called. He pitied his roommate but he can't really do anything for him now.

Jungwon p.o.v

"SO YOU SAID YES?!" Sunoo squeled while jungwon nodded. It is now the next day after Jay asked him out.

The whole thought of dating his crush from highschool sent him to chills. To be honest he didn't know what to feel about this.

It's now lunch break, and he was going to date jay in the weekends.

It really took him a while to tell it to his friends because they were busy. Since the schedules were HECTIC.

"Gawd, we really missed out a lot" Sunoo said pouting but while pouting; Ni-ki pecked his pout away, making Sunoo blush like crazy.

"AGHH KRAZY!! not in my face please, don't keep on reminding me that I'm single." Jungwon fake cried.

"Shut up. You're gonna hit it off with jay soon. Plus he asked you out." Sunoo replied biting his straw.

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