𝟤𝟣 ❦

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Mina headed back through the hallways and all around again, looking for the angry males room.

It was a long and good trip, she didn't know where any of these boy's room's were yet she suggested them to go.

Throughout the abyss she finally found bakugous room.

She waited quietly and patiently as she knocked on the door, hearing foot steps.

The door finally opened, and she walked in.

It was silent.

"What is this?" She said looking around the room.

the bed covers on the bed was bundled up a little with uneven pillows on each side, hell the comforter was cricket.

"We tried our best, and well bakubro wouldn't help" kirishima said as he looked over to the blonde haired male who was sitting in his chair with his head on the desk.



But, mina shrugged it off, she was gonna get to the bottom of this no matter what, but it's time to focus on different matters which was..

Bakugou's room.

"Take that mess off the bed guys, it looks like a hobo made this" she said and they all took the covers and pillows off.

"Now you scoundrels throw it on the bed" she said and they all looked at her.

"Did i stutter? I said throw it back on the bed" mina said looking at them, and they applied.

"Now dragged the ends to each corner of the bed"


"Now straighten it out untill you can't see any lump of cover on the beg and tuck the ends under the bed"

"See guys that wasn't so hard" she said in a passive-aggressive tone, she should of known these man-childern couldn't even make a bed even if their life depended on it.

She picked up the black comforter with a white skull on it and walked towards the bed, as the others stepped back, and she threw it on the bed, perfectly, gaining a clap from kaminari.

Folding the top of the comforter back a little.

"Pillows please comrades" she said signaling them to hand her the black pillows, which they did, and she evenly placed them on the bed.

"See guys that's how you make a bed" she said clustering her hands together, wiping the invisible dust away.

"Wow mina" sero said looking at the bed they partially made.

"I know... I know thank me later" the girl said as she backed away.

She decided to change the topic.

"Guys, don't yall feel a little weird" she said looking at bakugou.

"Thought I was the only one" sero said.

"Me 3" followed by kaminari.

"Me 4th" again followed by kirishima.

"Guys come here" she whispered and they huddled up together, far away from where bakugou is.

"I think there's something weird going on between them" the pink one whispered.

"who?" Kaminari replied.

"Between bakubabes and todoroki" she said lightly hitting him.


"Yeah so?..." sero said waiting for mina to attach on.

"So, Basically when I went to go return todoroki's clothes, Basically his whole uniform even more suspicious, I shit you not guys when I asked why was bakugou acting this way, he made a face but he tried to hide it"

Everyone gasped.

"Emotions? Todoroki? Hide?, never thought those would mix together" said sero as everyone gave him the agreeing look.

"I know man, it was odd.. like crazy, yall see how different he acts with bakubabes too.. at first I was just ignoring it, because kitkat-"

"Shh" they said as they looked over to bakugou who tumbled a little but then lowered their guard when they heard the tiniest snore.

"dont shh me- anyways as i was saying he can make anyone turn into another person, that's just bakubabes hidden quirk.. but this.. this is strange.."

"like is bakugou replacing us as his number one friends with todoroki?" She finished, and they all gasped again.

"No way would bakubro do that to us"

"Yeah no way"

"He would never"

"But he could guys, I've seen this many of times guys, fear for the worse" she said.

"But I don't want to" kiminari cried.

"Look at me..You have to, I know it's tough but you have to" she said grabbing him by the face.

"But don't panick guys, detective mina is here to save the day for you poor souls" she glammed out in excitement.

"Thank you detective mina, we really appreciate your service" sero played along.

"Like I said, thank me later"

"Anyways what time is it?" She turned around looking at the alarm clock by bakugous face.


"Oh shit, guys we need to go"

"So much for, not getting in trouble mina"

"Hey we won't, and hold up let me take a picture of bakubabes he looks so cute"

"He's gonna kill you mina"

"Even better"

"Guys let's just go"

"Alright fine, wait guys .. let's be good comrades and put our prince on his bed" mina said as she put her phone in her pocket.

"I swear mina if you keep calling him these names he is gonna wake up and beat the living crap out of all of us" sero replied, and mina was as unbother as ever she knew bakugou was all bark no bite when it came to her.

"I got bakubro guys" kirishima said as he picked up bakugou and walked towards the bed.

Mina pulled the covers back and kirishima softly dropped the sleeping male on his bed and mina pulled the covers over the male and tucked him in.

"Aw is that a smile I see" she said as bakugou tussle through the covers in his sleep, trying g to get comfortable, and she took another picture.

"Alright mina let's go" sero said.

"Goodnight?? bakubro i guess" kirishima said and they all finally rushed out the room.

They walked through the hallways and down the stairs, heading towards the exit, and Krishima slid his card and they got out.

They all ran to the building, swiping and opening doors, to get to their class with aiwaza.

They opened the classroom door, and all the students looked at them.

Aiwaza turned around.

He woke up on the right side this specific day.

"Tomorrow detention, midnights room and don't bother telling your friend Mr. Bakugou he's gonna be there too" said aiwaza.

"NOOO" kirishima said.

"yess" kiminari mumbled.


"What it's not my fault he woke up on the right side this morning which is rare" she responded.

Ever felt like that 1 percent is gonna be you, out of all the things that could go wrong and things do go wrong.


That was them.

leave us alone. ❦Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin