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"hey wake up..."

I woke up to somebody yelling and tapping on my shoulder, as I try to understand the words the other person is saying while slowly opening my eyes as I see a blurry blonde haired spiked male, making my eyes suddenly turning up.

"Umm y-yes", I say still in a daze from a terrible dream while lifting myself off the couch very fast and fixing myself still unaware of what is happening.

"You left your card, how stupid can you be?" Kacchan said, surprisingly setting it on the table in front of him.

"Tha-thank you" I said wiping my eye, reaching for my card. He turned around ready to walk away with no reply, but he stopped.

"Are you gonna get up or not bastard?" kacchan said turning around, with a resting "bitch" expression on his face.

"O-oh sorry" I apologized, getting up very fast, I standing there for a minute trying to process reality for my almost awake brain, until I saw kacchan turn around to look back at me, so I started moving my legs for once.

We walked down the hallway, I tried to keep my breathing levels normal and silent as we walk, i started to think about everything that happened today, reminiscing on recent events, suddenly I started to feel the emotion's hit me as I visualize bakugo and todoroki together.

It makes me 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤

I started to shake as I walked down the halls behind kacchan as our rooms were basically in the same dedication.

I tried so hard to hold the tears in causing me to involuntary shake, my pace began to get slower, almost tripping over myself.

"Hey, deku stop walking like a old lady after reading a bedtime book to her grandkids" bakugo said, I tried to move faster which I did but wasn't the pace to keep up, causing the blonde male to stop and turn away.



Before I knew it, my hand made contact with the other males face with a sting of force.

Time and time again I let my emotions get the best of me, but this was the first time I exactly laid a finger on kacchan.

The blonde male touched his face as he felt tears toll down his face, not because it hurted him physically, but mentally.

My eyes went wide realizing what I had done, as I watched the tears fall down the male's face, I start to break down sobbing.

"I-im sorry ka-kacchan I didn't mean to", I say reaching out my hand for it to be slapped away by the male.

"Don't talk to me ever again" bakugo said in a harsh tone as I heard his voice strain, turning around to wipe the tears from his face.

"Bu-but" I said grabbing his arm and he yanked my grip away, but I had my other hand grabbing on the back of his shirt.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" bakugo yelled, finally actually yanking my grip off of him, causing me to stumble a little, as he walked away.

Bakugo walked down the hallway as he heard a door knob twist and open except for midoriyas sobbing, and him trying to controll him breath.

"Hey you alright" bakugo heard as he turned his head to see a familiar red headed male with teeth made for chopping down wood.

"Yeah" bakugo said in a 'why wouldn't I be' tone.

"Did you hear all that?" Bakugo said stopping in his tracks 5 feet away from kirishimas room and turned back to look.

"As in hear?, Do you mean you and midoriya" he said leaning on his door.

"Yes no shit" bakugo said.

"Yes but no, and also baku bro your face is looking a little let's say distracting to anyone's view" he said trying to make it not seem terrible as he paused between some words to find the right ones, but in reality it is.

"The fuck does that mean?" The male said starring at kirishima.

"I think you should just go to your dorm bro" kirishima said as he scratch the back of his neck.

"Tch" bakugo said as he turned around and started walking.

"Goodnight bakugo", bakugo heard and still continued to walk as the door soon closed after his silent reply.

I walked down the hallway, hearing no sound of deku anymore, finally stopping at my room number and swiping my card to get in, opening the door and closing it.

Is he crazy?

"How dare he?" I said, feeling my lips tremble as I went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror taking my hand off of my cheek, revealing a very noticeable handprint on my cheeks and the heat of my tears showing evidence down my face.

"FUCKING BASTARD", I said as my anger was gonna lead me to smashing the mirror in front of me, but I held myself back from letting myself get out of control.

Why would he slap me?

I know I'm not nice to him, I'm not kind to anyone, which deducted all the reason to why. that bastard and getting the courage all of sudden.

Crying is some weak shit.

I wiped my face over and over, splashing water over me, I should of beat that bastard until he couldn't breath, I thought as my breathing got irregular.

He thinks this shit is a joke.

I was too in thoughts to notice tears still rolling down my face and how trembling my voice was, I continue to wash my face, until I got to tired and aggressively turned off the water and punch the wall right by it not too hard.

This is too embarrassing, letting someone slap me, especially someone like deku, and deku himself, that's why it "hurts" the most.

I took all my clothes off, turning on the shower making sure the water was hot that there was steam roaming from the water.

I soon got in, letting the water hit my hair as it laid down from holding in all the water, grabbing a soap and scrubbing it all over my body.

I felt a different type of liquid on my face, I thought I was done bitching, but I guess I'm not.

I got out of the shower turning it off as I grabbed my towel and dried myself off, and going to the mirror and grabbing my toothbrush out of the holder and grabbing the toothpaste, scrubbing hard, trying to get out all of the germs.

Untill I was satisfied, I rinsed off my toothbrush and sat it back in it's holder and the toothpaste back from where it came from.

I took my towel off puting on my underwear and a pear of shorts and a top, heading to my bedroom to lay down on it and go to sleep.


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