14 ❦

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We went back upstairs as the thump of our feet could be heard.

I saw kacchans grunted face, I felt bad for myself and the others though todoroki-kun seemed to not be bothered.

Why do I have to be like this?

Knowing I couldn't say no to auntie Mitsuki's offer to stay, not like I didn't want to but even though it made her happy at the end of the day and also me in some awkward way.

We headed back to the blonde-haired male's room, as the scent of caramel hit me and I assume todoroki too as it's most strong in katsuki's room, presumably surely from his quirk, which was one of the things I liked about him, he always smelled sweet.

I watched as kacchan pulled out his phone, I stared at his fingers as he held the phone and typed something into it, clearly taking all of his attention.

My eyes wandered off somewhere else as the male shoved his phone right back into his pocket, I imaginably sighed as I never had a phone before, but to be honest It would of been probably broken on the same day if I were to.

Kacchan got up off his bed, heading out of the room, our glaze met.

I look away, he really hated me?

My eyes wandered over to todoroki now that we were the only two beings in the blonde-haired male's room.

Silence filled the room, it has never happened before with me and the dual-haired male, as we use to talk a lot whenever he needed to, it took some time to get a word out of him, but I succeeded.

Something I can at least be proud of when it comes to our friendship.

"H-how's your m-mother and siblings?" I asked, it was a "usual" question I would ask rarely, but the male got more comfortable with telling me about his family.

"My mother is well midoriya-kun, and my siblings are fine as far as I'm concerned, also how is your mother", todoroki said as his eyes focused upon me.

"That's great to h-hear, my mom is doing g-great," I said as I looked somewhere else other than the dual-haired male, I couldn't hold contact for too long in this silent room.

"Oh, I guess that's nice to hear-"

"Enough of the chitchatting dip shits", kacchan said as he walked through his door, which was opened and slammed it shut, I tried to not flinch at the sudden sound.

"STOP SLAMMING DOORS, YOU DON'T PAY BILLS BRAT", I heard auntie mitsuki say, as her voiced boomed through the house loud and clear.

"IM RARELY HERE, IF THE DOOR AIN'T BROKEN THEN SHUT UP",the blonde haired male said, as he opened the once closed door to his room.

Me and todoroki watched as kacchan yelled at his mother, I sighed quietly, I always wondered how kacchan managed to still talk back or even have the courage to treat his mother like this.

Todoroki-kun looked at bakugo with a blank expression but even if he already met the bakugou's a few times to know that they are "loud" people, well except for uncle masaru, I could still see the shock in todoroki.

Todoroki-kun got up, and went behind bakugou and put his hand on bakugou's shoulder.

"Calm down, it's not worth it" todoroki-kun said as kacchan surprisingly stopped yelling back at his mother.

"Breathe" todoroki-kun tried to calm down the male, with a small smile on his face.

"Shut the fuck up", kacchan said as he took todoroki-kun's hand off his shoulder, the anger in kacchans chest slowed down.

leave us alone. ❦Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora