13 ❦

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"Knock "


"What the fuck" I groaned accidentally hitting something beside me, as I woke up.

"Ouch," a low tone voice said.


"Move ugly," I said as I got up, rushing to the door, the male grunted in response, I expected a snobby remark but the male said nothing.

I opened the door a little so only my eyes could be seen.

"What the fuck do you want now?" I said frowning.

"T-today is Friday"

"Yes and?"

"We're su-suppose to work on the pr-project" that green little piece of shit said.

"Oh, shit", I slapped my forehead forgetting today was Friday which was uncommon as fuck.

I closed the door on him again for the second time today.

"Todo fucking roki, get the fuck up," I said as I went to my closet and grabbed a random t-shirt and pants, hurrying to put them on as the male sat there and scratched his head, staring into some fucking were.

"I am up" the male finally said after some of what seems like a minute, as he stands up stretching.

"So this is what it's like waking up not lonely," the male said yawning.

"Shut the fuck up and put on some shoes," I said as I finished putting on my pants and went to go grab my sneakers.

"It's a little weird to wear dress shoes with regular clothing don't you think?" The male said putting on his shoes that go to the school's uniform.

Is he always like this in the morning? Questioning everything that doesn't need to be questioned, or if I give a single fucks about it.

"Yeah yeah now come on, that brat is outside waiting," I said as went to the bathroom and rinsed water on my face.

"But you're still taking your precious time princess," he said with a stupid smile on his face.

I was about to say something but I swallowed it, because if I did, then I could lose my whole career of being a hero.

I went up to the male and rubbed my still wet hands on his face.

"Nothing happened okay", I said Patting his cheek harshly.

"Yes sir," he said, I ignored him and walked to the door making sure to grab my card and the dual-haired male did the same.

I opened the door, turning my gaze from that green-haired Garbage can and to the halls, I assumed the school was over by all the noise I heard, as todoroki followed right behind me.

Izuku swallowed his breath, watching the dual hair male follow right behind the male.

I watched as todoroki followed after bakugo as the door opened wider.

I stared at them from up and down, looking at todoroki's clothes, they weren't his, but yet kacchans.

Kacchan would barely lend a jacket to someone, let alone stay in his room, plus there was no reason for todoroki to stay in the others room let alone miss classes.

I looked away, yet again uncomfortable by the male.

The walk was silent, only two remarks from the males to each other, I felt left out, but I know I did wrong.

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