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The four of us fell through the doorway and onto the burrow lawn. The cracking sound of curses filled the air and the heat from the fire that had engulfed the Burrow was blistering, making it hard to breathe. Smoke filled my lungs as I stumbled and hardly maintained my balance. Hermione covered her nose and mouth with the collar of her shirt as we ran from the home to meet Molly and Arthur, who stood frozen at the edge of the yard, and I immediately noticed the horrifying sight outside the house.

A ring of flame surrounded the burning home, climbing four feet high and leaving barely an opening to get through. Those of us who were in the home were trapped on the short grass. I could see figures out in the reeds, running and fighting.

"Where's Harry?" I asked Molly, choking on my words.

It was Lupin who answered. "He ran after her. Bellatrix."

Bellatrix Lestrange. The one who killed Sirius.

My eyes followed the movement in the reeds. I need to help him.

I took off toward the small opening in the ring of fire, making my way towards the marshland where the battle was.

"NO!" Lupin yelled. "Don't throw yourself into this battle!"

Someone was hot on my heels, but I didn't turn to see who it was. The flames licked at my arms as I jumped through the opening, sending searing pain up and down my skin. I pushed the pain out of my head, focusing on getting to Harry and Bellatrix. I will avenge you.

I sprinted through the cattails and long grasses, the blades slicing my cheeks and I squinted to make sure nothing got in my eyes, at least not more than the ash that had already settled in my waterline. I blinked away the debris, tears leaking down my face in response to the irritant.

Before I could register it, a tall, broad figure stepped into my path. His eyes were yellow and he smiled at me with bared teeth. He looked halfway between man and animal, his long canines stretching past the line of his bottom lip and drool forming droplets at the corner of his mouth. His nose curled in a snarl as he stalked toward me.

"Just who I was looking for," He growled, stalking closer to me. "The Dark Lord'll be wanting you home, little girl."

A whimper escaped me despite my efforts to keep it inside and I stumbled backward.

"Don't be afraid," he laughed gruffly. "I'm just another monster in the dark, just like you."

A hand grabbed the back of my sweatshirt, yanking me to the side, only for us both to lose our balance and fall into the mud and a few inches of water.

"Stay down and hold onto me," Fred whispered. "You might be nauseous."

Before I had time to ask what the boy meant, my world twisted into a knot I felt like I was both falling and rocketing skyward at the same time. My body and mind were jerked from side to side, and I gripped Fred's shoulders so tight I wouldn't be surprised if I drew blood. His hiss of pain as the world put itself back together again confirmed it.

My knees were weak and I collapsed to the ground, still mud and water, but a good deal off from whatever that monster was. I swallowed hard, forcing myself to keep my stomach down.

"You did good," Fred grinned. "Most people vomit the first time the Apparate."

"That was much worse than a Portkey," I groaned. I rubbed my face. "Thanks."

"No problem, mate. Wouldn't want you getting caught up with Fenrir Greyback."


Fred's smile disappeared. "Greyback is a werewolf bounty hunter who's worked for You-Know-Who forever. I don't actually know if he can do magic or not, I've never seen him with a wand. But he's loyal. He's the one that turned Lupin."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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