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His arms were around me when I opened my eyes the next morning, holding me close so my back pressed up against his chest. I felt him stir, only to pull me closer and I smiled a true, genuine smile.

Before I realized that it was a Wednesday, I had class, and I had no idea what time it was.

"Shit," I swore under my breath, wriggling away from him and trying to get up. It hit me all at once that I was a little sore.

I heard a chuckle beside me and turned to look at him laying with an arm tucked behind his head, smirking at me. "I forgot to mention you might be a little sore."

I rolled my eyes, smiling. Gingerly, I stood and made my way to the bathroom, keenly aware that his eyes followed my movements.

I let the hot water pour over my skin, soothing any aching muscles before the shower door was opened and Draco stepped in with me, his arms slipping around my waist as the water danced around us. He leaned in for a kiss which I returned graciously before breaking it with a smile. "Stop that, we have to hurry."

"We're already late," he smirked, pulling me back to him. "we could just..."

"No!" I giggled, and he picked up a bottle of green apple shampoo, squeezing the product into his hand before transferring it to my hair, gently massaging my scalp and working it into a lather.

I'd never showered with anyone before. I thought I would be weird; two people naked and doing non-sexual things like actually washing together. Maybe gross, even. But I felt so completely comfortable, so totally at ease with him that I let him do something as mundane and ordinary as wash my hair. And I nearly swooned at the fact that he was willing to do it for me.

Once I rinsed, I took the bottle from him. "Only fair," I grinned, and he lifted my chin with a finger.

"You're beautiful."

A blush spread across my cheeks. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" He teased. "This?" He tucked strands of my wet hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose, and then my lips.

"Ooh hoo hoo, look at Draco Malfoy getting attached," I smirked, squeezing shampoo into my hand as he scowled.

"I don't get attached."

I turned him around by the shoulders and began lathering his hair. He tilted his head back so I could reach it better as I stood on my tip-toes. "Uh huh."

He rinsed his hair and we washed our bodies before I got out and put on last night's clothes. He, of course, had a full closet of black suits to choose from.

"I'll go first, then wait a minute and head out after me," he directed leaving the room. "That way we aren't seen together."

"Why can't we be seen together, Draco?" I asked sarcastically, letting his name roll off my tongue.

He turned around and slid his hand in my hair, grabbing it and yanking my head back to look up at him. "You're getting a little too comfortable with that."

I laughed, smirking. "You're the one that said I could call you Draco."

He sighed, letting me go, but a smile was creeping onto his lips. "What a big fucking mistake to let slip what it does to me."

"Get out of here," I rolled my eyes again.

"We really need to talk about your attitude," he growled before slipping out the door.

I took a few breaths to compose myself before following.


"Azalea. Can I talk to you?" The familiar rounded glasses and lightning scar greeted me around the corner from Transfiguration. I was already late anyway, so who honestly cared? I'd get the same amount of detention for not showing up completely as missing half the class. McGonagall didn't mess around.

"Sure, Harry."

He pulled me into an empty corridor. "I need you to answer a few questions for me honestly, and know that this is strictly for research, and please don't get mad at what they seem to be insinuating I just need to make sure."

Research. Funny how Harry and Dumbledore were two peas in the same pod.

"Why does that sound like the long rambly way of asking me if you can ask me an offensive question because you don't trust me?" I retorted, crossing my arms.

He stared at me for a second before shaking his head slightly. "Um, I'm just going to start. Are you working for Voldemort?"

"I think I just saw my brain rolling my eyes," I drawled.

"Okay, so that's a no. Alright, did you have any contact with Voldemort before you saw him in the Ministry and he told you he was your dad?"

"No, Harry, I did not."

"Last one, do you know what Malfoy's up to, and are you tasked with helping him?"

That little bastard. "I don't know anything about what Malfoy is up to and if I did I would not help."

His eyebrows raised. "God, you're a bad liar."

"Look," I sneered. "The only thing I have going on with Draco is some rare dialogue. Am I going to know of some secret plot at that point? Absolutely not."

"You're on a first-name basis, now?" he looked at me quizzically.

"I--" I stuttered, trying to come up with a good explanation for that fact. I didn't have one.

"I don't know why you told everyone who your father is, but I'm disappointed that you couldn't keep the secret like Dumbledore asked."

I whirled towards the boy. "Dumbledore himself was the one that told, did you know that?" I snapped, the wound still fresh. "Maybe you should stop defending someone like him."

"Watch your mouth." Harry hissed. "Dumbledore is the greatest wizard and man of all time. I won't be told otherwise."

"You can't even see it," I shook my head in disgust. "Dumbledore is nothing but a lying, old man with a few secrets that he can't even keep to himself. I'm excited to see which secrets he ends up keeping long enough to take to his grave."

Harry stormed away without another word, face pale from my obvious threat. Too bad if he couldn't handle me ripping apart his precious Headmaster.

My blood was boiling, but I had been able to actively wish for the black smoke to not expel from my body and so far it had worked, regardless of how angry I was. It's a start.

"You going to Slughorn's party tonight?" Theo called as he ran up next to me, brown curls falling into his face.

Oh my shit. I'd completely forgotten that I'd told the old professor that I'd be there. Not only that, but I was overcome by an extreme sense of guilt regarding what had happened with Malfoy that past night. Was I leading Theo on?

"I'm sure he'd love to have Voldemort's daughter sitting at his table the way he picks out exceptional students."

Suddenly, I wasn't so guilty. My eyes snapped to his face, which was bright, cheery, and completely oblivious to the fact that I had basically the devil as a father. "It's not like I want that to be my identity," I snapped. "Can you just drop it?"

"But you must be so honored, seriously. To have someone that powerful in your direct lineage is, like..." he let out a breath and placed a hand on my shoulder to slow me down. "beyond wicked."

"Yeah, you're right. He is wicked. He's killed innocent lives and taken the lives of Muggles like my foster family. So if that's someone you've decided you want to root for, then I don't think we should continue having a conversation," I scoffed, shrugging my shoulder away from his touch and fixing the strap of my bag.

"Come on, Azalea," Theo mumbled, his eyes lowering to the ground. "It was just a joke."

"Well, it wasn't funny," I growled before walking towards my dorm to get ready.

Traitor: A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now