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"You got a bloody Firebolt?" Jenna gaped on our way to the Slytherin common room the night we'd returned from break. "Harry gave you one of the best brooms out there? Mate." She clapped me on the shoulder. "Are you two dating, then?"

"No, Jenna, of course not," I laughed and scrunched up my nose. "We're just friends."

She raised a suggestive eyebrow. "Yeah, okay. Sure. Because friends get you a Christmas gift that costs 2000 galleons." She poked me in the side. "He loves you!"

"Keep your voice down," I giggled, covering her mouth with my hand. 

"Or is he just repaying you for something you gave him?" She made a crude motion with her hand and I snatched her arm, laughing.

"Oh my gosh, no."

She smirked and slung her arm around my shoulders.

"I mean, you could choose worse guys. Way worse. You could choose better too, but Harry is a good choice."

"Oh my-- for the love of God I'm not going to date Harry," I rolled my eyes.

"Harry and Zaylie, sitting in a Wiggentree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Jenna sang, skipping down the hallway away from me and out of sight. I just laughed.

Behind me, there was a disgusted scoff and the sound of a book snapping shut with a crack. I turned to see Malfoy sitting by one of the windows in the corridor, moving to stand up. I felt heat rise in my cheeks, but I did my best to get rid of it. Why did it feel like I'd cheated on him? We kissed twice, we were hardly together, let alone even liking each other. Besides, nothing had happened with Harry.

"I take it you had a productive holiday?" Malfoy sneered as he leaned against the window sill.

"Yes, thank you, I learned to ride a broom," I said, holding my head up a little higher.

Disgust clouded his face. "Bet that's not the only thing you learned to ride."

A deep blush filled my face and I sputtered, "That is not what happened! Jenna was kidding."

He smoothed his black suit jacket and smirked. "Look at that, a Muggle slut in Hogwarts, chasing after the Chosen One. You have fun with your toy, Beckett. I'm sure you'll be of great use to him." He turned to walk away, his back facing me.

With a hiss, I drew my wand, fully ready to cast the Body-Binding Curse when he whirled around and shouted "Expelliarmus!" 

My wand shot to the side, clattering against the wall and dropping to the floor. A smirk crept onto his face again. "It takes a special kind of coward to cast a curse on someone when their back is to you." He replaced his wand back inside his suit jacket. "Try that again, and I swear on Merlin's life I will use the Cruiatus Curse again."

"Do it."

He cocked his head to the side and snarled, "I'm not sure that's what you want to say to me right now."

"No, I wanna see if you actually have the balls to do it." I snapped. "I wanna see if you'd actually be a special kind of coward and torture me because you think something is going on between me and Harry."

He scrunched up his nose, eyes darting to the side. "Are you that stupid that you'd provoke me?"

"Sounds like you're stalling."

He scoffed and turned away from me, walking down the hall. "Come talk to me when you're not spouting more bullshit."

With an angry huff, I scooped my wand off the floor. Jenna came back around the corner, peering around and sighing, relieved. "Oh, bitch, I could not figure out where you went."

Traitor: A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now