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If I had to guess, Slughorn had planned his Christmas party for the 20th so that his favorite students could actually attend, most of whom went home for the break every year. I wouldn't count myself excited for the event, but I was looking forward to a little bit of Christmas joy after all the recent events.

Knowing that I was going with Nott specifically as friends was greatly impacting my outfit choice, however. I didn't have any Christmas-y dresses to begin with, and Jenna's clothing options were much more sexy and revealing than I wanted Theo to have the pleasure of looking at all night. The other girls in my dorm were either not my size or not willing to lend a helping hand, so I found myself in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione who was offering some of hers.

The looks I was getting from the other Gryffindors were not lost on me, although I wasn't sure if it was because of my lineage, my house, or my spectacular Quidditch loss. Could be a combination of all three. But the members of the old DA club seemed fairly kind still, and Ginny had hugged me upon arrival.

"What about this one?" Hermione was holding up a deep wine-red dress, the silk skirt dancing around the ribboned corset-style bodice. The straps were ribbons too, and it gave just the right mix of sexy innocence I was looking for.

"It's gorgeous, 'Mione," I breathed. "I'll do my best to not spill anything on it."

She laughed. "Wouldn't be a big deal if you did. I know tons of cleaning spells."

"Of course you do," Ginny rolled her eyes, grinning.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Hermione shooed. "Go try it on! You have less than three hours to get ready and be at the party."

"I hope there's punch," I grumbled. "Alcoholic punch."


By the time we were supposed to be down in the dungeons with the rest of Slughorn's guests, Ginny, Hermione, and I were just stepping out behind the Fat Lady's portrait. The two Gryffindor girls had given me a full makeover, Hermione on makeup duty and Ginny on hair. They'd done an amazing job. Neville had even told me I looked like the angel on the top of the Christmas tree in their common room until he realized that comparing me to a tree topper wasn't exactly a compliment, but I hugged him all the same and appreciated his efforts. "Angel" was good. Angel was exactly what I was going to be tonight.

"Granger!" A proud voice called from the staircase leading to the Astronomy Tower. Cormac McLaggen swaggered down the stairs. "Don't you look ravishing."

His gaze wasn't admiring at all. In fact, it said less "I'm so lucky to be going with you" and more "I'm glad you pulled yourself together to make me look good." The bad vibes I was getting from this guy made me almost dizzy. I knew the poor girl was heartbroken over Ron, but she was inches from making bad decisions rooted in pain.

"Keep an eye on them tonight," I whispered to Ginny. "I will too." She nodded at me, sharing a look that I knew meant that she understood my exact feelings about the arrogant asshole.

"A little late," McLaggen sniffed. "But still ravishing. Shall we get going?"

Hermione nodded, her gaze on the floor.

"Eyes up, babe," he said crisply, straightening the tie under his dress robes. "Gotta make sure the entire guest list sees those beautiful browns."

Even his compliments were off.

"You go ahead," I said to Ginny. "I'm sure Dean is waiting for you downstairs."

She nodded to me and reluctantly followed the already miserable Hermione and her oblivious suitor down the staircase.

I pulled a silver hand-mirror from my clutch and did one last check of makeup before shutting it and replacing the item where I'd found it. Sighing, I mentally prepared to head into the social gathering.

"They cleaned up well."

I knew who it was before I turned around, but I did so anyway. I had expected Malfoy to be leaning up against the wall as nonchalant as usual, but he was standing with his arms crossed and shoulders hunched. I could see the tension in the muscles of his shoulders from a mile away. He was stressed out of his mind. I guessed the assassination attempts weren't going well, but I didn't bother asking. I knew where that conversation would end up.

"Yes. Thank you." I cleared my throat and looked at the ground.

"Off to a party?" he asked, his tone bordering on hostile.

"Yeah. Slughorn's."

"Are you going to keep giving me one-word answers?" he snapped.

I held my hand up to count. "Yeah." I extended my pointer finger. "Slughorn's." I extended my middle finger, before lowering just my pointer, flipping him off.

"I don't count 'yeah' as a word," he rolled his eyes.

"Did you come here to check on my bruises or insult my grammar?" I hissed.

He opened his mouth as if to say something else, but shut it without uttering so much as a sound. He swallowed. "You look beautiful," he muttered. "Nott taking you?"

"He's not taking me, we both got invited and are showing up at the same time as friends. It's different."


I never thought I would see Malfoy shuffle his feet like an awkward middle schooler talking to a girl for the first time, but here he was shifting from one foot to the other, seemingly unable to keep still. I walked towards him and placed my hands gently on his shoulders.


I felt him take a deep breath, but not before snapping, "I am relaxed."

"You're shaking. You're not relaxed."

"I'm fine." He pulled away from my touch.

"Whatever you say," I sighed. "How'd you know where I was? How do you always know where I am?"


"Are you keeping tabs on me?"


"Why?" I asked, slightly taken aback.

"Because people have a bad habit of hurting you, Azalea. You need it." He glared at the wall behind me.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't forget you were the first person to do so when I got here."

His eyes snapped to mine before his face softened into guilt. His arms slipped from their positions to settle at his sides. "I thought we were passed that."

I sighed and took a tentative step towards him. "We are, Malfoy. I'm sorry for mentioning it."

"Malfoy, huh?" his gaze slipped to the ground. "Guess I deserve it."

"Draco..." I trailed off.

"No, it's fine, love. I understand. Have fun with Nott tonight. Not too much fun, but fun." He gave me a weak smile, his eyes darting from left to right like a scared rabbit. He caught my gaze one last time before backing away and scurrying around a corner.

I felt tears well in my eyes as I realized this was the most broken I'd ever seen him. And I'd kill Voldemort for making him like this. I'd kill my father.

Traitor: A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now