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Part II

Moonlight peeked through the cracks in the shutters on the window that occupied the little attic room I shared with Ginny. I was propped up on my pillows, reading Advanced Runes Translation that Hermione had let me borrow on the way to the Burrow at the beginning of the summer. My stomach growled in desperation. I'd eaten very little because Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny had been teaching me how to play Quidditch for the seventh night in a row.

"You really should try out for the Slytherin team," Fred had said, his eyes gleaming as I stole the Quaffle from him for the third pass in a row. "I don't know how they do tryouts, or even if they're fair, but you should try. You're a fucking natural, and it's not fair." 

I had done another roll on my broom and grinned at him. "Watch out," I'd teased. "I might just lead Slytherin to victory over the mighty Gryffindor." He'd shoved me, laughing.

I smiled at the thought. This summer had been one of the best of my entire life. I still mourned my foster family, for Rae and Lilian, for Barbra and John, but the Weasleys quickly stepped in to make sure I still had a family. "Watch your back," Ron had said, joking. "You might make such an impression she knits you a sweater for Christmas!"

My mind drifted to the last Christmas I'd had with the Weasleys. Sirius had been there. The familiar dull ache filled my chest. I missed him every day. I reached under my bed, pulling out the canvas bag. Reaching in, I lifted the music box from where it sat shrouded in the fabric. I ran my fingers over the wood before peering over at Ginny, making sure she wasn't awake. She was facing away from me, but the steady rise and fall of her body confirmed she was out. She'd decided to turn in early even though it was only around 9 because she was absolutely exhausted. She'd spent the previous night talking to her boyfriend, Dean, through the fireplace in our room, and they'd stayed up until probably 3:00 a.m. I smiled, then looked back at the music box. I opened it, and the gentle music began to play the quiet tune, "Dancing with the Swans" filling my ears.

I'd done this more than I cared to admit, several times a week, kicking myself for continuing to admire it after breaking things off with Draco, but I couldn't help the comfort it gave me. Every night when the new day started, I listened to the metallic music. I hated myself for that. 

I moved to put the box back in the bag, shutting it carefully. The piece of parchment fell out as I restored the contents of the bag. I quickly shoved it back in, not even glancing at it.

I still hadn't looked at the "research" Malfoy had done; I hadn't wanted it to ruin my summer. But the train to Hogwarts was departing tomorrow, and I figured it was probably time. But not tonight. Tonight would be Malfoy-free, just like all the other days at the Burrow.

I slid out of bed, flipping the colorful patchwork quilt back over my pillow to give the illusion I'd made the bed. Sliding on some fuzzy slippers and a hoodie, I tiptoed downstairs, careful not to wake Ginny. 

"Oh good, you're still up!" a familiar female voice called to me from across the stairs. "I was so worried everyone would be asleep when I arrived."

I turned and saw the bounce of brown curls headed toward me. "Hermione!" I laughed, running towards her and embracing her in a hug. "When did you get here?"

We'd since forgiven each other for the battle at the Ministry, she no longer blamed me for it occurring and I was no longer angry for her doing so.

"Just now," she responded.

"I was up! Not Ginny though. She's tired after she and Dean talked for hours last night."

"Dean?" Hermione smirked. "Don't let Ron hear you say that, he'll lose it."

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