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"Where are you going?" Jenna asked as we walked down the corridors. She stopped and pointed behind her. "I know it's been a bit, but last time I checked, our dorm is that way."

"I know, I just need somewhere more secure," I shrugged. "Like, really secure."

"Life or death information again?" Jenna sighed. "Jeez, Zaylie. I mean, thanks for always hitting me with the heavy stuff when I have a full stomach, though. You're a true friend."

We both snorted.

"Have you ever been to the Room of Requirement?" I asked.

"No, never have. What about it?"

"It becomes anything you need it to be."

"I definitely would have used it quite often if I knew about it. Mainly with Miles Bletchley."

I shoved her, an expression of mock horror on my face. "Ew, Jenna."

She threw her head back, laughing. "No, but in all seriousness, I haven't. I thought it was destroyed when Umbitch blew open the door on Dumbledore's Army."

I nodded. "I don't think you can destroy it. Let me show you."

I parked her in the corridor as I walked by the blank wall three times, thinking of somewhere secure to talk. The spirals of wood began to grow from the wall, and the awe in Jenna's eyes was unmatched. Her mouth fell open and a childlike wonder emulated from her face. "Woah," she breathed.

"Come on," I grinned. "Let's see what the Room gave us today."

I pushed the heavy door open and stopped suddenly. I recognized the photos on the wall, the table in the kitchen, the sofa in the living room. The tiny apartment was just the way I had left it, down to the honking cars outside the window. Home. Somehow, the Room of Requirement had taken us to the place I'd felt safest: with John, Barbra, Lilian, and Rae. Only, they weren't here. It was just a shell. But I'd needed a shell to hide in nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" Jenna said softly.

"This is--was--my apartment. In NYC."

She placed her hand on my back to guide me a little more inside so she could close the door behind us, securing the door chain and deadbolt. She put her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder. "Do you wanna sit, or do you wanna stay here right now? Take your time. We have all night."

My heart swelled with gratitude for her. "Wanna see my room?" I chuckled.

She smiled. "Well, of course!"

I walked towards the plain, white door and pushed it open. The window was partially cracked and I could feel cool air, though the smell of the city wasn't there. Polaroid photos of Rae, Lil, and me were taped on the wall next to my headboard. I had taken those with me when I came to Hogwarts. My bed was mussed, as it usually was, the bedside table strewn with things like normal. I hesitated in the doorway, forcing myself to look over at Lilian's bed.

Her favorite stuffed bunny was sitting with his zebra friend on her pillow, a teacup in between them. I remembered how she would tell me they were engaged, it was her favorite pretend game to play. My sweet girl, I thought, my heart aching. I walked over and picked up her green and pink striped blanket from the bed, bringing it to my face. There were no familiar smells in the Room of Requirement. I couldn't smell her strawberry shampoo. The apartment was a close replica, but nothing could beat the real thing.

"Was Lilian the youngest?" Jenna asked, running a finger along the bookshelf of Pete the Cat picture books.

"Yeah," I whispered, choking on the word. "I hope she finally got to live with her mom."

"How old is she now?"


My mind flashed back to when I'd spent Lilian's birthday sitting with Ginny in her room the past summer. Mrs. Weasley had made a cake for us, smiling sadly as she saw me telling Ginny about the girl and showing her pictures.

"What about your other sister?" Jenna asked.

"Rae had her own room," I said. "Sorry, I know we were coming here to talk, but I just wanna look..." I trailed off.

"No, please," Jenna took my hands in her own and looked me in the eyes. "Take your time. You haven't had time to properly grieve. Thank you for letting me be here with you."

I gave her a small smile before crossing the hallway to Rae's bedroom. Fake ivy hung over her bed, and there was a Beatles poster on the wall. Her sewing machine was set up in the corner, piles of fabric covering the floor.

I backed out, swallowing thickly. I'd had a lot of late-night conversations in that room, a few heartbreaks, and ice-cream-eating times on that bed. I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath, turning to the final room. Barbra and John's.

I hadn't done much peeking in over the years, but I'd brought Barbra and John both breakfast in bed on Mother's Day and Father's Day respectively, which was greatly appreciated by the old couple. I flicked on the lamp on the dresser and scanned the pastel quilt that was draped across the end of the bed. I ran my hand down the wooden headboard.
Walking over to the dresser, I picked up a framed photo of the five of us in Central Park from a few years ago. A tear slipped from the corner of my eye, and then another, chasing its equal down my face in a wavy line.

"Come here," Jenna pulled me close and held me as I cried silently into her shoulder. We stood there for a long time until I calmed down, and then I gently pulled away. She brushed the remains of tears off my cheek with her thumb. "Would you feel more comfortable talking in the living room, or your room?"

"Living room," I mumbled. "I can't look at Lilian's stuff."

Nodding, she linked her arm with mine and we found our way to the couch. "So," Jenna started, taking a deep breath. "What is it that you need to tell me?"

I rubbed my face with my hands, before pulling Dark Arts, Dangers, and Creatures of the Night: Myths and Making Sure You Know What to Avoid out of my bag and placing it on the coffee table, along with the slip of folded parchment.

"Before we even get to that, I have to tell you something that is probably going to be the biggest secret you'll ever keep, and I'm sorry, but you can't tell Ethan and Ashton. Not when they're upset at me. It's the biggest leverage they'll ever have."

"Oh, come on, Azalea," Jenna scoffed. "They would never use information against you, they aren't Malfoy."

"I know that, but when I told you about my magical status, there were already several people who knew like Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, Snape, and others. This, only Harry and Dumbledore know. And that's just because they were there."

"Okay, spit it out, then. Go on," Jenna poked my leg gently.

"I know who my dad is," I rushed out.

"Oh my god," she exclaimed. "So you aren't an orphan? That's great!"

"No, Jenna, it's not," I took another shaky breath. "My father is Tom Riddle. I'm Voldemort's daughter."

Jenna stiffened and pulled back slightly. "When did you learn this?"

"That picture in the Daily Prophet we laugh about? I'm on the ground because I tried to drain the magic from him after he told me he killed my mom and that I was there." I ran a hand through my hair. "She was Lilith Parkinson, by the way. Pansy's my cousin."

Traitor: A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now