One Last Day

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"Oh, did you hear, the Egg Ceremony is tomorrow!"

Autumn Amirasdaughter sighed irritably. "Lorna, everyone knows. We've all known for weeks."

Lorna Helenasdaughter smirked. "Are you going?" she asked, a knowing sneer in her voice. "After all, what with you being who you are, you'll never get chosen. There's really no point in you going. Besides, I bet your daddy's not going to let you."

Autumn gave an exasperated sigh. Once upon a time, Autumn and Lorna had been friends, but ever since Taz disappeared, they'd drifted apart, going through phases as friends, mutual acquaintances, acquaintances, and enemies to get to where they were now: mortal enemies. Autumn didn't want it that way, but apparently Lorna did. Or maybe she was being influenced by Erika and Josene, her new 'best friends'. Autumn didn't really know. It could be either really, since her perception of people wasn't too great. Yet. Autumn had plans to change that.

"Go away, Lorna," she said, gently shoving the older girl away from her. All Autumn wanted was to enjoy her day off from work in her dad's clothes shop. Normally, she would be in the back room of the market stall, sewing pieces of cloth into garments and attaching buttons to shirts. Once every eleven days, however, Autumn had an authorized day off. At fourteen, she really should have been at school, not working, but since her mother, Amira, disappeared, her father had insisted upon her 'helping' him with the family business. Autumn hated it. It wasn't who she was. Truth be told, she still wasn't sure who she was. Maybe she'd find out; she didn't know.

"What?" Lorna laughed, sliding back along the wooden bench towards Autumn, scooting uncomfortably close. "Don't you like being around people of 'my kind'?"

Not this again. Autumn forced herself to take deep, even breaths. She couldn't let things get out of hand, like last time. She stood up, and began to walk away. That's it, Autumn. Get away from her before you do something you'll regret.

Lorna watched her go, a triumphant smile plastered to her face. She really thought that she'd struck a chord. Yeah. Like Autumn would really give a damn about what that girl said!

Autumn left the village, and headed out into the fields, wading among the long grasses deep in thought. She was thinking about her mother. She had found herself thinking more about her mother recently. Follow your dreams, my sweet, she used to say. Never let anyone get in your way. Autumn wished she'd done what her mother said. Never let anyone get in your way... Pah! Autumn really hadn't listened to that one. However, following her dreams was less of an issue. She was still doing that, just quietly. Her dad had no idea of her dreams. As far as he was concerned, Autumn was pretty much doomed to work in Daret Haberdashery and Garment Stall until the day she died. But that wasn't how she wanted it - and she was sure that wasn't how Amira wanted it either.

Autumn absentmindedly twirled a reed between her fingers as she climbed a small hill. She turned, dark curly hair blowing in the wind, to look down on the disgraceful cluster of wooden huts that the people called a 'town'. Oh, how she wanted to escape from it. Just one more day, she told herself. Just one more.

She slowly settled into the long grass, and gazed down on the little town. It was there, nearly ten years ago, that it had happened. Autumn didn't like thinking about then. She was so happy; her life had not yet begun to fall apart. She and Lorna were still friends, Taz wasn't 'gone', and Amira was still waiting for Autumn at home, sharing advice and cooking nice meals and just being there.

A low, whistling wind swept through the grass, chilling Autumn to the marrow. Gathering her threadbare cloak around her, she hurried back down the hill and through the village gates.

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