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Miyeon went to see her sisters to tell them that she can't go home right away, so her sisters will not worry about her.

"Soyeon, take care of the evidence" Miyeon whispered so Soojin will not hear them.

"Yeah, don't worry unnie"

"I'm leaving now, i need to see Minnie at the store, bye" Miyeon said as she wave to her sisters.

Minutes later, she arrived at the store and waits for Minnie to come.

She didn't know that Sam is already there, watching her from his car waiting for Miyeon to cross the road.


Soyeon was supposed to go home but she noticed that the door of a classroom was open.

She came closer to close the door but she saw Minnie on the ground.

"Oh my gosh Minnie!! what happened?" Soyeon said trying to wake her up.

Minnie gain consciousness and she puts her hand on her head because it suddenly hurt, she then looked into her hand and she saw a blood on it.

"I need to take you to the hospital" Soyeon said.

"No Soyeon, Miyeon is in danger, I have to go to her"

"What?! ok just be careful, i'll call the police"

Even though Minnie's head hurts, she ran as fast as she can to get to the store where Miyeon is waiting.

"I'm not gonna let this happen again"

After some Minutes, she arrived at the stationery store but Miyeon wasn't there.

While looking where Miyeon is, a familiar Voice called her name from afar.

She turned around to see who it was, and it was Miyeon waving at her while holding an ice cream from the other side of the road.

Miyeon accidentally dropped the ice cream when she noticed the blood on the raven's forehead.

Miyeon runs to cross the road to get to her, the raven told her to stop but Miyeon didn't hear her and continued crossing the road.

Minnie noticed a car, speeding up heading towards the brunette, she looked at Miyeon and started to run towards her.

Miyeon was stopped when she also noticed the car coming to her but Minnie got close to Miyeon and pushed her away, miyeon fell but at least she's safe now.

The car was too close to Minnie that she didn't have enough time to dodge it.

She was hit by the car and her head has hit the ground too hard leaving her unconscious again and more blood to come out.

"Minnie!!!" Miyeon was shocked at what just happened, tears formed into her eyes as she stand up to go towards the raven that was laying on the ground.

"M-Minnie wake up please" Miyeon sobbed as she touch her face, worried because Minnie wasn't responding.

Miyeon immediately picked up her phone to call for an ambulance and she leaned her head into Minnie's, her tears falling into the raven's face.

"P-please hold on, you can do this, please don't leave me"

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