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"I'm ready Minnie, let's go"

They went out of the door while holding hands and the raven sat on her bike.

"Hop on" Minnie said, gesturing Miyeon to sit in the seat behind her.

The brunette then sat behind Minnie, her right side facing the raven's back, she hugged her wrapping her arms around Minnie's waist and they started moving.

They arrived at the park and Miyeon got off the bike.

"I didn't know that you can ride a bike, it must be great" Miyeon said

"Do you want to try it?" Minnie asked.

"Yeah but i don't know how"

"Don't worry i'll teach you" Minnie said while smirking.

Miyeon got on the bike and started to move while Minnie is on her side supporting her so she'll not fall.

"Kick the pedal" Minnie said.

"I'm trying"

"Are you scared?"


Minutes later Miyeon almost got the hung of it and the raven let her go to see if she can ride alone.

"You're so bad at this" Minnie jokingly said while chuckling.

"I know" Miyeon answered laughing while looking at Minnie.

"Hey don't look at me, look where you're going!!" Minnie shouted.

Miyeon lost her balance and fell off the bike, Minnie hurriedly run towards her to check her.

Instead of being worried she just smiled because of Miyeon's laughter.

"Are you ok?" Minnie asked, smiling but still worried.

"I'm ok don't worry" Miyeon answered still laughing.

They just looked at each other for seconds, and Minnie broke the silence by leaving a quick kiss on Miyeon's forehead.

Minnie helped the brunette to get up and also get the bike.

"Want to try again?" Minnie asked.


Miyeon just kept practicing with Minnie teaching her.

Minnie let her go again, but this time Miyeon finally did it without falling.

"Hey you're doing it!!!" Minnie shouted while jumping, cheering her girlfriend.

"Yes!!! i'm doing it!!!" Miyeon is surprised that she just learned how to ride a bike.

Miyeon kept riding around and Minnie just watched her while sitting at her favorite bench.

Minutes later, Miyeon stopped the bike in front of the raven, she got off of the bike and sat besides Minnie.

Miyeon sighed and got herself ready, to ask Minnie.

"Can i ask you something?"

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