20. Diamond

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"Did you make any music?" Summer asked.

I felt a smile stretch across my face.

Honestly I didn't think she'd be thinking about me at all after how I left her, let alone my music.

I couldn't just leave her like that. I was beating myself up, every second I was awake I was thinking about her. I just had to step my pussy up and tell her how I feel

... and look at the result of that.

I swear I'm in love. I know it sounds crazy. I never want this vacation to end.. I just want it to keep being me, and her on this beach.

"I did... but it's all jumbled together, out of place. Imma have to work on it a little, but I promise I'll play it for you before we leave."

She smiled and nodded like she understood.

"But you have a songgg" she said in a sing songy voice tickling me softly. She was so excited, I swear she's so cute.

"So... if this is not just going to end in two days... and we'll be in contact after we leave... can I take you out on our first date tonight?" I knew she'd probably say yes, but for some reason my heart was still racing.

She blushed covering her mouth out of reflex to hide her smile.


"Perfect. Be ready at 8?" I smiled a little. Her sweet nervous face calmed me down, what was I so scared of ?

"Okayy" she tried not to giggle but it escaped from her lips anyway.

I wore a content smile on my face as I came downstairs, I walked through their now empty living room, then the kitchen, to my side of the house.

I gave myself so much time because honestly I had no idea, where we'd have our date.

I looked up things to do in Myrtle Beach, SC and I swear google laughed in my face.

Basically the two choices were go to the beach... like we haven't been on the beach for
5 days straight already, or go to the pier.

I looked at the boardwalk and the reviews were horrible, basically unless we want to be harassed by the homeless people, or go into over priced stores, we should find something else.

It took me an hour of searching but I finally found something I thought we both would like,
A Polynesian Luau & Fire Dinner Show.

Summer told me that her and Ana watched Lilo & Stitch like a million times, so I figured she'd like it.

I can't lie, the tickets were expensive... $70 a person, but I've been taking risks this whole trip, so why not?

I reserved our couples table. I was so excited, but I had to remind myself that time is running out I still have to do what I came here for.

I spent a few hours working on my song.

I  wrote out the notes, placing them where I wanted them to go, then I took the time to record myself playing my keyboard to add to the song. I got so carried away in my music, I almost forgot to give myself time to get ready.

I showered, then spent at least 20 minutes going through my clothes for something I liked.

The problem is, my clothes are so... me. Honestly it feels like lately I've been dulling myself down, nervous to dress too different. I felt like maybe if I wore clothes in my usual fashion sense Summer's friends would judge me, or worse, Summer would judge me.

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