6. Diamond

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I really do feel bad for her.. but as I said I can't really relate. I'm sure she's tired of people 'being sorry' or 'feeling bad' when they don't know the half of it. I mean I left my parents and went to New York.. but that can't compare. I can book a flight back to my home town. She'll never see her sister again.

  I'm lowkey judging her friends. How you gonna leave that girl in the house a day after her sisters funeral depressed while you go party?

I'm still sooo mad that we're all sharing this house. I kept getting the urge to get up in the middle of the night and make some music.. but I know it's super loud. That's why I wanted my own space, to be as loud as I want.

  I decided to go ahead and go to bed when my stomach started growling again. I knew that one hot pocket didn't stand a chance against four glasses of wine, but I didn't want to eat up all the complimentary snacks on the first night and seem greedy.

  I jolted awake, and for a second it felt like I was right at home. In the worst way, like  when my neighbors argue so loud it knocks me out of my dreams.

Somebody was making hella noise in the kitchen. Aggressively slamming shit, every now and then I heard yelling.

Are they serious? They probably came home drunk as fuck making all the noise in the world. The only thing that I asked was for them to keep it down!

I put a pillow over my head trying to drown it out. Tomorrow I'm definitely getting somebody's number so I can text them to shut up without leaving the comfort of my bed.

It got quiet for a second so I assumed they finally went to bed.


Somebody was knocking aggressively on my door to the kitchen. This is why I keep that shit locked. Just cause we share a house doesn't mean you can come talking to me.

I huffed getting out of bed angrily, I shoved my feet into my bear slippers. I sleep naked, I didn't feel like completely getting dressed for whatever the fuck is happening. So I threw on an over sized shirt.

This better be a good ass fucking reason.

Whoever it was started knocking again before I even walked up to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked annoyed on the other side.

"Hanna" She said impatiently.

I rolled my eyes.  Oh my god, what does this bitch want.

I swung the door open and stood their waiting for her to say something.

"Did you eat my Hot pocket? And don't lie because I already walked around and asked everybody."

Is she serious? She got me out of bed at 3am over a hot pocket?

She was clearly drunk. Her face was splotchy red, her body swayed. She was still wearing the clothes from when they went out.

"My bad.  I didn't know it was yours."

"My bad? You should've never been in my shit"

I squinted at her "Bro, I'm trying to apologize. I thought it was complimentary. I didn't eat both of them, there should be another one in there."

"You shouldn't have ate any of them! If it's one thing that piss me off it's people touching my fucking food!"

"Okay, clearly you're drunk. I'm going back to bed." I said turning on my heel.

"This don't got nothing to do with me being drunk, bitch. See I knew we were gonna have a problems"

I swung back around. "No now we have a problem. Call me a bitch again."

"Heyyy, whoa, what's going on?"

We both looked over.

Summer was coming through the doorway.  She came in looking groggy, rubbing her eyes. Still wearing the silky pajama set she was wearing by the fire.

"This chick ate my fucking hot pocket. The one I was asking everybody about."

I bet she ain't call me a bitch again.

"Oh my god, I thought you were going to bed. Forget about the freaking hot pockets" Summer groaned

"I told her I thought it was complementary-"

"How?! Since when would hot pockets be complimentary?" Hannah cut me off.

"Before y'all were even here I noticed they had hella snacks. I thought-"

"Okay then, so you should know that there wasn't any damn hot pockets before we came." Hannah cut me off again with an attitude.

That's one of my pet peeves. I either need to go ahead and go to my side and act like this conversation never happened, or imma end up fighting this bitch.

Before I could say anything else Summer spoke up.

"Hannah chill, if you're that worried about the hot pocket I can cash app you the money. What are they..Like $5?"  I could hear her annoyed tone towards her friend. Good, it seems like everybody else in the house is sleep and this bitch trying to be on Bad Girls Club.

I'm glad she offered because I wasn't gonna cash app her shit. Not with that attitude. She act like I ate the whole box... hell, she act like I seen her name on it in bold letters and ate it.

"See, it's done. $5 sent. We can go to the grocery store tomorrow if you want. Just go to bed. It's so late" Summer yawned.

Hannah wanted to keep being unreasonable but, she knew at this point there was nothing left to talk about. She stomped past Summer and out of sight.

"Sorry about her" Summer mumbled, she looked embarrassed by her friend. "She gets wild with drinks in her system."

"Then keep her away from me. And tell her to watch her mouth when it comes to me."


I was dead serious, but somehow I saw slight smile spread on Summer's lips.

I turned to leave rolling my eyes.

"Hey, Diamond?"

I huffed. Oh my god, I just want to get back in bed.

"Yea?" I said looking back at her unamused.

"You look really cute in that shirt."

I felt my cheeks burn. I was not expecting that.

I pursed my lips tight and gave her a short nod.

"Preciate it"

I said before actually closing the door for real this time.

I finally went back to my room. I was ready to get comfortable and get back in bed.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt ready to pull it off.. but then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I chuckled at the big dopey smile on my face.

Whatever, I guess I can keep it on.

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