7. Summer

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"Summer, I'm sorryyyyy." Hanna dragged. "I know I fucked up and you're mad at me."

I wanted to walk away from her, but I know if I do that, nothing will get resolved and I'll be pissed at her the rest of the trip.

I hate being embarrassed.

"Don't ignore me, bitch."

"Hanna, you're already pissing me off and it's only noon. You're gonna get fucked up one day calling everybody a bitch." I told her as I entered the living room. Ash and Treasure were hugged up on the couch.

"I said I'm sorry."

"Okay but do I look like Diamond to you? Nah, I don't. I'm not fucking with you the rest of this trip, if you don't fix it with that girl, Hanna. And I'm not partying with you either." I rolled my eyes when her mouth dropped. "I'm not in the partying mood anyway.. and I don't want to pretend that I am. I just wanna enjoy the beach and smoke 'til I can't feel my face. With or without my best friends. I really don't care. I just need to chill right now."

Hanna nodded and gave me a sad smile. The kind I hated the most.

"How much do I need to cash app you for the weed?" I asked and sat next to Ash. She kissed the top of my head and opened her arms for a hug.

"Don't worry about it. I got it." She said, then she turned around and walked off to her room.

Ugh, honestly I'm so annoyed with her but I don't want to focus my energy on that.

I start to think about what Ana would tell me to do.

"Wanna get some groceries for everybody today?" Ash asked me, she leaned closer to Treasure to see what she was doing on her phone.

I chuckled. She can be so jealous sometimes, it's crazy.

"I guess we can. Should we ask if Diamond wants anything...to avoid the whole hot pocket fiasco ever happening again?"

Ash shrugged her shoulders and looked at me briefly.

"I dunno, if you want to. You got her number already?" She smirked and made my cheeks turn red.

No, but I wish I would have. Damn it.

"I don't wanna keep knocking on her door and being annoying..."

"Something tells me you don't really care." Ashleigh is my best friend for a reason. She knows me so well.

"Not at all." I said in a sing song voice.

"Get her number then."

"Yeah, I will."

"Like, right now, Summer. I'll stand right here until you come back." She said, standing up from Treasure's lap and grinning from ear to ear.

I looked over at the grey door and then back at Ash.

"Whatcha waitin' for? Scared?"

"Girl, hush." I said and rolled my eyes.

My heart was beating crazy out of my chest by the time I reached the grey door. I opened it and went through the kitchen and when I saw she wasn't in there, I took a deep breath and knocked lightly.

After a few seconds, it swung open and Diamond greeted me with an annoyed snarl.

"What is it now?"

"Gimme yo number." I said, skipping over all the cute shit I rehearsed in my head on the walk over.

"Girl, what?" She tried to stop herself from smiling but failed. That made me crack a smile too.

"We're gonna pick up some groceries, and I wanted you to text me some things you like so I can get them."

Diamond's SummerWhere stories live. Discover now