15. Her broken state

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Chapter 15.Her broken state

Bondita's pov.

When I realised that I love Anirudh so much other than anyone. I just can't wait to see him. So here I am.

I am walking towards the cafeteria searching for Aditya.
Yes, I am breaking up with him. I don't want to break his heart but I had no choice. I hope this mess will not ruin our friendship.

I feel someone hold my hand. I turned around and saw Aditya. He had a big smile on his face and I am going to take this smile away from him. He looked confused when he saw me.

"Bondita, Are you searching for someone?" He asked me. He looks so innocent. How am I going to break his heart? But I have to today or some other day. So why not today. So, without wasting any time I replied to him " Yes, I was looking for you." My reply makes his smile more bigger. Now I feel like, I am a bad person.

"Aditya listen, I want to talk to you about something important." I said to him.

"Ok let's take a seat there." He pulled me towards the table.

"So tell me, what was making you so worried?" He asked me putting a hand on my cheeks. But I push his hands. He looked confused by my action.

"I--I actually I--"
" Bondita, you know I am always here for you no matters what." He told me by cutting me off.

"Promise?" I asked him on the verge of crying.

"Yes promised, now tell me but don't tell me you are breaking up with me." He joked but I was shocked by his statement. What he will do if he gets to know that I am actually breaking up with him.

"I--I" I again shutter but now he is looking at me with wide eyes. I think he understands the situation.

"Bondita, Don't Tell me. Are you actually breaking up with me? He asked me in anger.

" I--I am sorry." I said to him. Without knowing any other words more than sorry.

"Sorry! Are you actually kidding me?" He yells at me. I can't control more, A tear falls from me.

"Aditya, I am sorry. I can't do this anymore. I can't stay in a relationship with you where there is no love." I finally told him the truth.

"That means you didn't love me. You were just acting with me this whole time." I cried more.

"I am sorry." I whispered. But he didn't listen he storm out of the cafeteria.

Everyone is looking towards me murmuring such words that I deserve. I cried more and more and run towards the bathroom.

Anirudh's pov

I was just heading towards my class when I heard two girls talking.

"Did you hear about that slut." The girl whispered.

I rolled my eyes and was about to walk when I heard her name. "Yes, that Bondita. Such a slut." The other girl says.

"It didn't even been a week and she already breaks up with Aditya." After hearing this. I felt like dancing but suddenly I became angry when I again heard the two girls.

"She deserves hell. How can she breaks someone heart like this"

"Yes, Aditya loves her so much. He proposed her in so romantic way. No other boys will do this." The girls said and I lost it. I step in front of them and shouted at them. "How can you say this kind of things about someone without knowing them."

They looked shocked and rolled their eyes.

"Oh, please Anirudh don't take her side. She is such a sl--"

"Enough. I don't want to hear anything about her." I yell and am about to walk away. when one girl said rolling her eyes "you can stop us but how can you stop the whole school who knows Bondita is a sl--".

"I will stop everyone who will talk about Bondita like this," I said cutting them off. And Strom out from there.


It's been 1 hour since I am finding Bondita but I didn't find her anywhere. "Where is she?"I cried.

I check every classroom but she was not there. I talk to her mom but she was also not in her house. where did she gone?

" Anirudh" I heard someone shouting my name. I turned around and saw Bondita's friend Mia.

"Anirudh Bondita--"

"What happens to her? Where is she? I asked her.

" She was in the bathroom for one hour. I call her. I told her to open the door but she didn't listen. She said that she deserves this."

"No, she didn't deserve this," I told her and runs towards the girl's bathroom.

"Bondita Bondita" I shouted her name but she didn't answer then I heard her sob.

"Bondita, please open this door."
But hearing my voice she cried even more.

"No, I deserve this."

"No, you didn't deserve this. This was all happening because of me if I didn't help Aditya. You didn't have to face any of this."
I said to her.

"No, this is all happening because of me, not you." She murmured.

I cried even more. And finally, whisper " I love you Bondita. Please don't blame yourself. Please." I whisper but she didn't answer.

"Bondita, please Answer me." Again she didn't say anything.

"Bondita, Bondita." Again she didn't say anything and I know something was wrong.

I push the door several times but it didn't open. After 1min finally the door opens. and what I saw, breaks my heart.

Bondita was unconscious.


Sorry for the late update.
Actually, my exam was over. But the main exam is coming in one month "HSLC":(

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