13. Late

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Sorry guys! My exams are near so I can't update like earlier. So from now on, you will get slow updates till April. But I promised, From April I will update in every week.

So let's start.
Chapter 13 Late.

"Yes, I love you so much, How I will be happy with someone else?"
What I did next froze both of us.

I leans and put my lips on her, Yes I kissed her.

" I love you more"

Bondita's Pov.

He loves me !! He loves me, I can't believe he loves me.

"Bonditaa" I  was out of my train of thoughts when Anirudh shakes my shoulder.

"Mmm," I whisper.

"Sohowwasthekissed" He said something which I didn't understand. So I asked confusedly  "mmm?"

" How was the kiss? Did you like it? He asked and I realised that he kissed me. He is looking in my eyes like he is trying to find something.

I didn't say anything, I just keep my mouth shut. But I think he is dying to hear my answer. How can I answer him, I don't know.

" Bondita, Say something. Your silence is eating me." He asked me as his life depends on my answer.

"It It was Ni-nice" I whispered. I didn't even know he heard me or not.

"Only nice?"  He teased me. "Yes only nice," I answered shyly.

" Are you sure?" He again teased me. "Ye-yes." I shutter.

I was so happy till now until I realised about Aditya. How can I let Anirudh kiss me? What will  Aditya think about me? Like I accepted his proposal and in a few hours, I kissed Anirudh.
How can I do this to him? He is my best friend. Now my boyfriend. It sounds so wrong.

"Bondita" Again Anirudh broke my thoughts.

He came closer and held my hands. He leaned closer. His lips is almost touching mine But when He leaned more I pulled away. He got confused. But I can't I just accepted Aditya's Proposal, I can't.

" What happened? Did I scare you?"

"No" I answered and tears started to fall from my eyes. Why life is so cruel? I love Anirudh and he loves me back but I can't live with him happily because it's too late. I can't betray Aditya.

"So what? And why are you crying? He comes closer and wipes my tears. But I cried more by his action.

" Bondita, Tell me what the f**k happened? Till now you were smiling like an idiot, Suddenly what happened? He yelled at me.

Again he tried to kiss me but pushed him.

" I can't Kiss you, It was wrong."
He is so confused by my action but he has to understand that we can't be together it was Late now For us to be together.

"But why?"

"Because it was wrong?

" how it was fu****g wrong?

We are yelling at each other without thinking anything.

"It was just wrong"

"But how?"

"It was wrong because I am Aditya's Girlfriend" I answered without thinking anything. He looked shocked and hurt at the same time by my answer But It was the truth he have to accept it, He only helped him.

" But you didn't love him" Yes it was true.

" But I can't Anirudh, You only helped him. "

"Yes, I did because I thought you would be happy with him."

"Without asking me" a few tears again falls from my eyes.

"Bondita please don't cry we will solve this problem"

"No, We can't"

"We can Bondita , we can secretly meet each other, Please Bondita." He begged me. First time I saw him begging. But I can't do anything.

"I can't Anirudh, I can't do this to Aditya."

"Please Bondita. Please, try to understand, I can't live without you please." He begged again. But then I saw something I didn't saw before. He has tears in his eyes.

"Anirudh, please don't cry, please. I can't see you crying." I cried more.

" If you can't see me crying. Why are you doing this to me?" Now he is crying more and it breaks my heart.

"Anirudh please, you only messed up everything. You only take this decision without asking me. Are you happy now? "

"I am sorry. please don't do this to me, Please." And he leaned and forcefully kissed me. First I was shocked when I tried to push him but he is stronger than me. Then I give up and kissed him back. he bite my lower lips with full hunger like he was trying to claim me his. It was wrong but it feels so right. After a few minutes, we broke our kiss. And we are breathing heavily.

I realised what I did again. What is wrong with me?.

"Bondita see you also want it. Please listen to your heart. PLEASE." He yelled the last word. Now we are sobbing.

I feel he pulled me into his arms. It feels so right like the other night. Wish I could be with him always like this. I love this boy so much.

We hugged each other tightly not wanting to break away and wanting to live like this always.

"I love you. I love you so much Anirudh but I can't please I am sorry and I will always love you until my last breath."

"Lie" he yelled "it was all a lie. If you love me you will not leave me for that boy. "

" I love you Anirudh. I really do. But I ---"

"I what. Please stop with your lies." He shouted and walk towards the door. I grab his hand and what I did next shocked me and Also Anirudh.

I kissed him. Yes, I kissed Anirudh Roy Choudhary. Who was the bad boy and also the school nerd and also my love.

He looked shocked and When he realised what I was doing. He kissed me back.

After a few minutes, I broke the kiss. I didn't know why I kissed him. I had no answers. Before he can say anything. I said my last words to him without thinking. " I am sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you. " and then I closed the door without giving him a chance to say something.

"Bondita open the fu****g door" he yelled.

"No, I am not going to open the door. I am sorry for kissing you."

" No don't be sorry. We can be together if we tr--"

" No, we can't. It's too late " I shouted and run to my room. Crying so badly.

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