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Bondita's pov.

I and Mia walk to our class. When I enter our class I saw him.AGAIN. No, I don't want to face him now. I am not ready. Before he can see me I turn around. But the professor called me.

" Wait !! Newcomer right" I nodded

" What is your name?" The professor asked.

"Bondita Das," I said with a smile.

"So Miss Bondita. I heard that. On your first day. You and Anirudh are called in the Principal office" He asked.

What!!! How did he know? Did Anirudh tell him? I don't think so. Did everyone know ...
I saw Anirudh is staring at me. This is so embracing. Why he is staring at me. Because of him, I am called. Because of him again I am scolded by the professor.
I am going to kill him I swear. I rolled my eye's.

"So Bondita Das. Go and sit with Anirudh ." What!!!

"No, please !! I am not going to break any rule. I promise. Please I don't want to sit with him" I request. And I saw Anirudh is smirking .. Uff!! This boy

"  You have already broken two rules. First, you are late and now you are not listening to me. Go and sit with him. I want you to listen to me"

"But profes-" He didn't give me a chance. Shitt!!!

" Go and sit .. Otherwise get out of my class " He shouted

I don't have any other option. I have to sit with that jerk !!!!

Everyone is staring at me. That boy is still smirking. I am going to break his teeth. I walk to him and sit on the other side of him .. Showing him my angry face. That after class I am going to break his teeth.

" Hey!! Bondita.See. Fate lead us together again" He teased me. I am dammed!!! so much angry. I didn't say anything just rolled my eyes

" Are you mad at me?" He asked me.
Is he serious? He is annoying me and asking Am I mad at him

" You know What .. Anirudh Roy Choudhary. I am not angry with you. I am just happy because of you on my first day. I have scolded the professor and the principal. You know what. If I had a knife. I am going to kill you happily " I said with a forced smile.

Did I just tell a joke? Why he is smiling like a fool. and staring at me.

" Oh sorry. I  don't know that you are a mad person., wherein " he rolled his eyes.

" You two !! I said you two to sit peacefully not to disturb the class "

" Professor we..-" we said at the same time... But the professor cut us.

" I don't want to listen to anything. Just go to the principal office now" He shouted at us.

Again!! No.

We don't have any other choice. So we walked to the principal office.
I don't know how many stares I got till now. This is so embracing.

We are in the principal office now.

"So you two. First, you two are late for class and now you disturbed the class.  So. You two will get detention for one week. And don't try to escape from it and don't argue with me. Miss Bondita today is your first day. You don't want to restrict from school So I want you to follow my rules. after school for one week, you two will be in the library and help the students. I think I am clear" He said. He didn't give us any chance to talk. So again one week with this jerk !!

" Yes sir," we two said at the same time.

We went out of the principal office.

" So How was the punishment.."
Is he serious? He is asking me. What ...

" You know what if I have to stay with you for one week. I know that I will be crazy.o I am thinking how to keep a distance from you"  I said.

He back away from me. I don't know. His action made me smile.

" this way we can make distance" he teased me.

"Ok now let me go .. Otherwise I will be late for my other classes"

" who is telling you to wait," he said and I rolled my eyes.
And about to go when he held my hands.

" What!!! Now" he stared at me. Not knowing for how many seconds. And I found myself lost in his eyes ..Then the bell rang. I look away from him. And didn't know. My heart is beating so fast.

'' I have to go. I think  Mia is looking for me" I said in hurry and walk away from him.

It is lunchtime. I walked to the cafeteria and find some girls are glaring at me. Like I had stolen something from them. I ignored them and walked straight to the cafeteria. And I saw Mia is waving at me. I went to her. And she hugged me immediately.

" Heya!! You Okay. Did  Anirudh disturb you And what did the principal say" She asked in one breath.

" Calm down. " I told her everything.

"What you got detention for 1 week with the school most bad and popular boy and also nerd," She asked in shocking expression.

" What he is a nerd??"

" Yes, he is. You will not believe it but he always came 1st in our class .. " Whattt!!

" He didn't seem like...Ok Ok. Let me aked you a question. Why everyone is staring at me and also some girls are glaring. " I asked her confused.

" As I told you Anirudh Is the most popular boy in the school. And also bad boy .. Girls are glaring at you because. They like to be near Anirudh. And Anirudh didn't give anyone attention but he gave attention to you and also He didn't say anything when you yelled at him. It will surprise you but Before today no one had dared to shout at him. Because If someone did. So they  will end in the hospital in the next hour."

"Wait .. What!! We end our conversation here. And Eat our lunch.


I heard about the bad boy. heard that bad boys are bad. I mean to say they are bad in studies. But this boy is a bad boy and also a nerd. How can be he? I meant to say he is bad I know that .. But--.

"Wait wait wait !!! Why are you thinking about him" my subconscious says

Yes, why I am thinking about him. Anyway, I have to face him again. I push my thought and walked directly to the library. And yes schools are over five minutes ago. I told bye to Mia. And she said to be careful near that boy. laughed when she said not to fall for him. Is she kidding me I and him no way? I finally reached the library.

When I enter I saw him. Is he----


Sorry for my grammatical mistakes.


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