Chapter 11: Destiny

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Angst with a happy ending ^^ (Smut warning)

Cassandra groaned as the sun hit her in the eyes. She placed an arm over her face and tried to turn the other way to cuddle a warm body but there was nothing. She slowly opened her eyes as she squinted and looked around for her girlfriend. Rapunzel sat not too far away, humming to herself, and the smell of food filled Cassandra's nostrils.

Realizing she was awake, Rapunzel turned and smiled at her. "Morning Cass!"

"Morning." Cass mumbled, sitting up and rubbing the rest of the sleep from her eyes. Rapunzel's eyes drifted downward then she blushed and looked away. Cassandra looked down as well. Realizing she was still very much naked, she quickly brought the blanket up to cover her chest and looked away in embarrassment.

Rapunzel giggled. "Don't be embarrassed Cass, you're beautiful." Cassandra's blush only deepened as she avoided her eye contact. Shaking her head with a smile, Rapunzel tossed some clothes over to Cass. "Go freshen up, I made breakfast!" Cass only nodded as she dragged her clothes and the blanket with her.

Cassandra splashed some cold water on her face as she took a deep breath. She looked at her reflection in the water. Her hair was a mess, lipstick smudges on her face and she was practically beaming. Not a bad way to wake up. Cass wasn't complaining. As she washed her face, a familiar voice appeared from behind her.

"You're getting to comfy, Cassandra." Moon appeared behind her with a smirk. Cassandra groaned. Moon hadn't come around since they left Corona and Cass was starting to think that she left all together. Apparently not. "You tainted the princess's pure heart, good job." When she is finally starting to be happy, she always appears.

"Shut up." Cassandra whispered.

"Why? You know it's true. You know that relationships like yours are hated. Hunted. Chased. Disregarded. Run out of villages." Moon smirked. "Killed."

"Shut up!" Cassandra yelled. Moon circled her. Surrounded her. Suffocated her.

"You're only setting her up for a life of detest and despise. When people start to catch on, you will be run out of villages with torches and pitchforks. They will hunt you. It was spread across the lands and the very loved princess Rapunzel will be hated and be known as a freak. You will never be able to set foot in a village ever again. It's only a matter of time now." Cassandra turned and walked back towards their camp, arms encircling herself as she tried to push her away. Moon disappeared but not without a laugh. Because she knew that Cassandra knew she was right.

Once she reached the camp, she sat down on one of the logs, hugging herself tightly and looked deep into the fire. Rapunzel turned to her but her face immediately fell as she quickly moved to sit next to her girlfriend. "Cass? Are you-" She didn't get to finish.

"Rapunzel, can I ask you a question?" It was said so fast and serious, Rapunzel had to stop. Cassandra rarely ever used her full name unless it was for something serious.

"....Okay." Rapunzel responded, uncertainly. "What is it?"

Cassandra was silent for a second. Rapunzel knew something was seriously wrong due to the fact Cassandra refused to look at her. "Are you... really sure this is what you want? ...Us?"

"What?" Rapunzel asked in disbelief. "Of course I'm sure! Cass, where is this coming from?"

Cassandra suddenly turned to her, her eyes frantic and scared. "Don't you see? We aren't allowed! I've seen what happens to people like me, like us, and it isn't good! If anyone found out, which eventually they will, your- your reputation will be ruined! We will be outlawed and hated and hunted and - and.." Cassandra took a shaky breath. "I don't want that kind of life for you." She looked away. What she wasn't expecting was for Rapunzel to whip her back around and make sure she looked her in her eyes. At the moment, her very anger-filled eyes. Cassandra looked away.

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