Chapter 15: To the Rescue

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Warnings: Sex slaves, sexual harassment, abuse, attempted rape, blood

It's been two weeks since Cassandra's death. Rapunzel had been dragged all over the seven kingdoms before she was dropped into another slave camp. Rapunzel stopped fighting them all together. What was the point when there was nothing to fight for? Whatever happened to her, she didn't care. She was so numb that it hurt. She had been bruised, hit, and thrown around and the thing that hurt the most was her shattered, empty heart.

"Is this the girl?" She heard a man ask. She was again placed in a dark tent, tied to a post. She slowly raised her eyes as her hair covered her face and she looked at the speaker. She saw three men. One of them was the man that had brought her here, the other was his assistant, and the last one was what she could only assume was her 'buyer'.

"Yes," Samael responded.

"You said she was more feisty and fierce. That girl looks more beaten than a cat at a dog party." The man then stopped. "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'll make do. Now leave."

"But sir-" Samael tried. The man glared at him then roughly put a wad of cash in his hand.

"There, as promised. Leave." Samael and his assistant nodded before leaving the tent.

The man started walking towards her. "I've been waiting for you, Rapunzel." Rapunzel didn't respond. She kept her head down. The man growled and grabbed her face roughly. "Look at me while I'm talking to you!" Rapunzel didn't have it in her to glare at him. He let go of her face roughly and sneered. "Look at you. So pathetic. Breaking over a worthless, good-for-nothing, sapphic bitch."

Rapunzel suddenly snapped her head up, her tired eyes promising death. "Don't talk about her like that!"

The man smirked. "Ah, there's that fighting spirit. All I had to do was insult your dead lover, hm?" The man circled her. "It doesn't matter. You won't even be thinking of that crazy bitch once I'm done with you. Whether it be of pain or pleasure, it's your choice."

Rapunzel gritted her teeth. "Fuck. You." She normally wouldn't use such dirty language, but she couldn't find it in her to care.

"That's not very polite of you, princess." She was suddenly slapped so hard across the face, she fell on her side and her ears were ringing. "Try again."

Rapunzel spit out blood and glared at him. "I'm not doing anything with you."

"Hm, too bad then. I really did not want to do this the hard way but you left me no choice." The man suddenly pinned her to the floor and crashed his lips to hers in a rough, disgusting kiss.

Rapunzel struggled and pushed him away as best as she could. Lack of food, sleep and water made Rapunzel weak as the man only came back stronger and started trailing his hand up her dress. Rapunzel struggled like her life depended on it. "Let me go! Get your hands off me!" The man ignored her and easily kept her pinned to the ground. She felt his hand touch her in an area only Cassandra was allowed to touch her as tears streamed down her face. His other hand trailed up her dress and grasped her breasts. One hand touching her below, the other above; both places being forbidden to anyone other than Cassandra. Rapunzel tried to scream but was too weak to do so. She felt the man starting to unbuckle his pants and that's when she saw an opportunity. Getting her knees under her, she reared them up as hard as she could, effectively striking him in the crotch. He fell off of her, yelling in pain, as Rapunzel backed up as far as she could go; tears still streaming down her face.

"You bitch!" The man yelled. "You're gonna pay for that!" Rapunzel tried to get to her feet and run away but was suddenly pulled back down.

"Get off me!" She yelled. The man snarled and took out a dagger then dug it deep into her arm. She let out a strangled cry and fell to her knees.

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