Chapter 23: Too Late

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Major angst in this chapter. You have been warned! Warnings: mentions of rape, mentions of blood, major gore, and whatever else that comes up. This one is really angsty guys. My heart clenched writing it ;-;.


Cassandra couldn't believe what she walked into. She looked between Rapunzel and man she was seeminly going to have sex with; her dress falling off her shoulder. The man looked cocky but she didn't care as she met Rapunzel's seemingly dazed eyes. Her eyes hardened in anger, and immense hurt, as she began to back up. Her look of complete betrayal and anger seemed to break Rapunzel out of whatever trance she was in.

Rapunzel realized quite quickly where she was, and what she was about to do, as her eyes widened in horror and she reached a hand out towards Cassandra. "C-Cass-" But Cass was already gone. She moved to quickly follow her, her panic rising, but she was stopped.

"Come on baby, forget about her. We're gonna have our own fun." His eyes seemed to bore into her soul and she felt herself being pushed into another trance. What was happening? She had no idea how she even got there. She had no clue when this man pushed her against a wall. She didn't even know who this man was. And she most certainly did not remember being put into the position Cassandra found herself in. She would never betray and cheat on Cassandra. Ever. She didn't know how she got there or what happened, but she had to convince Cass that what she saw was a mistake, and it wasn't consensual. At least, not on her end. She quickly shook her head and pushed past the man that was still trying to corner her and followed after her wife.

"C-Cass, wait!" Rapunzel shouted as she struggled to catch up with her fuming lover.

Before she could reach her, Cassandra spun on her, making Rapunzel come to halt to avoid running into her. Cassandra's eyes were angry and hurt. Rapunzel could hardly blame her. What Cass saw... looked as if she cheated on her. But that wasn't the case! She would never do that! Didn't Cassandra know that? "How could you?"

"C-Cass, it wasn't what it looked like! You have to believe-!"

"It wasn't what it looked like?" Cassandra laughed bitterly. "Yeah, alright, sure. It's pretty hard to misinterpret what I saw. I know damn well what it was. He was all over you! And you... you just stood there as he frantically tried to undress you!"

"I-I know that it looked bad, but I would never-" She had to believe her! Why didn't she believe her?!

"Shut it!" Cassandra shouted, the moonstone crackling with her anger. Rapunzel flinched and backed up slightly. Cassandra seethed as she held back her untamed anger. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to avoid attacking her, because that's not who she was, unlike her, then she reopened them, took off her ring, and threw it at her. "Forget it. We're done." Cassandra glared at her then began to turn around and walk away.

Rapunzel stared at the ring that she caught in disbelief before looking back up in fear. "W-What? Cass, no!" She rushed forward and grabbed her arm, tears already filling her eyes. "Please, Cassandra, I would never-"

"Let go." Cassandra said quietly.

Rapunzel didn't take the hint. "No, you have to-"

"I said LET GO!" Cassandra barked as she gave Rapunzel a look she had never seen on her before. Or at least, she had never seen it directed towards her. She never heard Cassandra even talk to her like that, not even in her worst moments when she was severely pissed at her. Like back in the moonstone days. It was threatening. Cold. Harsh. And filled with a rage Rapunzel had never heard before. The moonstone cackled as if promising her that if she didn't let go, Cassandra would do something she was gonna regret.

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